

  1. 3 years….feels like time stood still, I relive that moment every day of finding you asleep forever not wanting to believe, still can’t believe it, my heart stopped that day with yours Gabs, I love you & miss you
    meem xxx

  2. I still think about you till this day the talks we’ve had on call since we where kids staying up playing games together and just talking all night you definitely are up in heaven I know you are cause you where one of the greatest people I’ve ever met I hope your doing well wherever you are tho cause your one of my best friends i hope your looking down on all of us looking out for us you where the best gabby I’ll never forget you

  3. We miss you Gabs. Love you always. We will continue to treasure your memories and celebrate your life. Thank you for all of the ways you changed our lives. I loved you from when you were a baby all the way to now.

  4. I was 15 when you passed away, I’m 18 now, it’s honestly hard to believe it’s been so long. I’ve been thinking about you lately, I still remember the conversations we had in the group chat, I think I always will. Time has passed but the mark you left on us really hasn’t faded away, things were never really quite the same after you left. We’ve all grown and changed, some more than others, it’s a little sad to think you’ll never get to see that, I sometimes really wish you did.
    I don’t know if there is a heaven, but if there is I’m sure you’re somewhere up there arguing with some saint about philosophy, probably winning given how terribly sharp you were. I wish I could get to see that.
    Goodbye Jay, I’ll see you soon.

  5. Happy 2 year anniversary gabby I miss u so much our conversations everything about u rest in piece

  6. Today Marks 2 years since we lost you – miss you so much Gabby love you forever betti xxxxxxxxx

  7. Today Marks 2 years since we lost you – miss you so much Gabby love you forever betti xxxxxxxxx

  8. Gabby I still can’t get it out of my head that ur gone you’ll always be my bestfriend youll be forever missed and in my heart

  9. Gabs you would have been 18…its heartbreaking that your never got to drive, order your first legal drink in the pub, go to uni, kiss your first boyfriend. I miss you Gabs, my life will never be ok without you

  10. Gabriella, our first christmas without you precious girl, we are going to the black horse like we did last year, you preffered me to spend time with you instead of hours in the kitchen cooking, I love you and miss you so much my beautiful lady

  11. Gabby’s drawing of heaven when she was little includes the whole family and a random old man this is me and her

  12. hearing news of your passing was devastating. i havent seen you since we were 11 but i have no doubt you remained as hilarious and sweet growing up. im sure there are pictures of us somewhere in an old phone’s memory card that i cant find. the time we spent as friends was so long ago but the happiness i felt with you will never leave my memory, no matter how many years pass. you shared so many of your favourite games and videos with me that will forever remind me of you. you were my childhood best friend and i will always associate that joy with you. you were a bright and beautiful light that touched many and you wont be forgotten. i hope you’re resting peacefully gabby. <3

  13. Your absence is so apparent. I can feel you jumping on my back when you were too tired to swim anymore, I can feel your hand in mine when we crossed the street just 2 months ago and I smiled because you still want to hold my hand even though you’re 17. I can hear your voice calling the cats, I can see your beautiful smile. I miss you more than anything, I’ve loved you with all my heart since you were a baby and I always will. I loved watching death note, attack on titan, shadow hunters, supernatural, the chase, hannibal and so many other shows with you. I loved playing puyo puyo and Tetris with you even when I lost so many times in a row. Every time you brought up philosophy I would always say that I don’t think too deeply. Now I have counter arguments for all your points but I can’t share them with you. I will treasure every memory for the rest of my life.

  14. I taught Gabriella English for almost two years and History (for a brief period). Gabriella was so sharp, incisive and intelligent. I once lent her the history book, ‘A People’s History of the United States’ by Howard Zinn – a very substantial text- and she devoured it with a few weeks in her spare time. She also wrote a fantastic review of the book which later went on display. She just loved exploring ideas outside the curriculum and was able to tackle anything. I found Gabriella very funny and whenever she made a joke or comment that she thought might be a bit too sarcastic for me, she would say, “It’s ok, I’m just joking.” Cally, I met you at the school a few times and I am so sorry for your loss and that of the rest of your family. Gabriella was a lovely girl and my thoughts are all of you.

  15. First time we met you was at your sudbury home. You were dressed in this beautiful princess outfit, wearing little glass healed slippers.
    Rest little angel, God bless Xx

  16. My heart goes out to you all at the loss of your special daughter, sister and aunt. Gabs was a kind and gentle soul which showed in her love and care of her animals. One of my memories is when gabs was younger and collected her precious gems I remember her showing me and explaining what they were and the properties they had. I was amazed about her knowledge and interest at such a young age. I think Dad must have bought every one that was available! She was so loved and adored by you all. I hope her spirit flies high. She will never be forgotten.

  17. Missing you so much Gabs. I hope that we were able to show you how deeply loved you were by so many people. Miss you with all of my heart, now, forever and always <3

  18. Thinking of your family at this very sad time. Gabriella may your gentle soul rest peacefully in Heaven. ❤️

  19. Gabs I hope you liked everything we did for you. There were some funny moments – I know you would be laughing so much. You’ve had so many prayers and blessings from all religions. We brought your flowers home and your trade mark middle finger is on display in your bedroom window with Daisy number 2, your big eyes toy, Lottie and Humphrey. It is so hard to say goodbye but I was glad to see so many people who love you.

  20. We were incredibly sadden to hear about Gabby’s passing. As neighbours we’ve seen Gabs grow up to delightful young woman. Every interaction with her was such a joy. Thank you for sharing the video of the funeral for us to watch. We really can’t believe she’s gone. Our thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to you all. Rest in peace Gabs

  21. Sorry I couldn’t be there in person today, I was able to live steam instead. Condolences to the whole family, thinking of you all during this difficult time. Rest in eternal peace Gabs.

  22. Thanks to everyone for making today special, we welcome prayers from all denominations. please share any memories you have on this page.

  23. Thank you for sharing the links to celebrate the life of Gabriella online. So many wonderful memories and heartfelt tributes. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Francis and family at this difficult time.
    With love Tony & Carol

  24. When i’d heard that you were gone, i didn’t believe it at first. I just didn’t know what to think, it was all so sudden. But in the weeks since, I’ve managed to organize my thoughts enough to send a parting message. Prior, i don’t think i could formulate it properly. The loss of a friend wasn’t something i was ready for.

    Thank you for all of those late night conversations we had, and those times we played games or hung out in Voice with the others. Those are some of my best memories online, and without you, i don’t think that would be the case. You were an amazing friend to me and everyone else, and one i’m going to miss for the rest of my life. You helped introduce me to people i still speak to today, and a series i still keep up with today, so thank you. I’m sorry i couldn’t tell you how much you meant to me when you were still here. It’s quiet without you, unbearably so. Every day when i wake up, i half expect to check chat and see pictures of one of your cats or chickens, even though i know that won’t happen any more. People, myself included, always say to move forward, to look for tomorrow. But with our last moments with you in yesterday, i’d like to cherish that forever.

    Thank you for all of those times you showed concern for me, or exchanged embarrassing stories. The messages sent, and the words said, are something i’m going to remember for the rest of my life. Please rest in the peace you deserve, Gabs. We’re never going to forget you.

  25. Keeping Gabriella and all your family in our thoughts and prayers.

  26. It’s sometimes hard to believe you’re really gone. When i heard about it for the first time i really couldn’t believe this was happening, it couldn’t be. But now it’s clear. You may be physically gone but your memory will never leave me. The late night discussions, the cat pics, the way you managed to be such a caring and original person is something that will stick with me for the rest of my life. Every single day, i looked forward to talking to you, about anything really, it could be a silly little comedic conversation or a passionate discussion where you talked about your favorite show or anime. These fun little interactions we had are something i will always cherish with my whole heart. Even if it was for only a year, i am proud of you calling me your friend and you are a person who i will remember for the rest of my life.
    You were an incredible person who i will always remember dearly.
    Goodbye, Gabs.

  27. I was shocked to hear of her passing and remember shaking a lot. I didn’t want to believe it but… Here we are. I sincerely cared about her. I don’t know if I am worthy of calling myself her friend but she seemed to think that I was. I’ve known her a little over a year and as I got to know her I realized, she was hands down one of the coolest and most caring people I’ve met. We would talk almost daily. So I kind of knew something might have happened after not hearing from her for a few days but just wanted to believe that she was taking a break… I really miss her already. She might be gone but her memories are not, I’ll keep them securely in both my mind and heart. I love you Gabs… Rest in peace.

  28. I met gabby in a large manhwa server where we played games together. She was always very patient, kind, and helpful to her friends. Thank you for always being cheerful and standing up for what was right. Rest in peace

  29. I met Gaby on an online animanga community and she was a kind nice person and thats hard to find online, it is sad to know of her departure, she will be remembered and may she rest in peace

  30. Some souls are too beautiful for this world , Gabby was an amazing young girl who had a sense of humor like no one else , she was inteligent, beautiful, funny , and caring . With her witty comebacks she could put adults to shame. Rest in peace angel and guide your parents and family in this difficult time . ❤

  31. Gabby you was your mum’s light, you was her joy, we all love you so much. Me and your Grandad are going to miss you so much, waheguruji will keep you safe till we meet again, good night putt.

  32. I feel privileged and honoured to have known Gabriella over the past years and to have played some small part in her journey, one that was suddenly cut far too short. I was deeply saddened to hear of Gabriella’s passing but very lucky to have had the opportunity to be touched by her beauty, intelligence, deep thinking, ability to see the world in different ways and her wonderful sense of humour. I will always remember her love of animals, art, anime, her hunting for Pokemon and passion for knowledge. My last meeting with Gabs was a video call in January where her mum Kally and Gab’s cat Ivy were very much part of her world. I can only begin to imagine how much her family, especiallly Kally, who I have also been privileged to get to know, must be missing Gabs. May Gabs rest in peace and shine up above like the star she is.

  33. Very sweet girl, I used to see her with her father in wembley. She will be missed by the wembley pogo community.

    My heart and prayer are with her family especially Francis.

  34. I’ve known Gabriela from she was only a couple years old. She was very enthusiastic and full of life. She didn’t need to know you to strike up a good conversation. I’ve always taken the mick out of her and she would always smile .

    The loss of a very special daughter is never easy, even when anticipated. It is most certainly the hardest when they are taken from us too soon.

    We offer our sincere condolences for the loss of your beloved Gabriela.
    Death leaves a heartache no one can HEAL
    Loves leaves a memory no one can STEAL

    Rest in peace Gabriela

  35. Forever shining bright amongst the stars. So very loved by your sister, your memory will be kept forever through her words and in her heart, as well as through that of your friends. Hope we can meet on the other side.

  36. I never met Gabs but I know how much Kally adored her. I knew how intelligent she was and often put me to shame whilst trolling me. May your suffering end and May Allah make it easy for your loved ones

  37. We are all from WellFound thinking and praying for you to find comfort from our Lord. Rest in Peace.

  38. Gabs, am sat here this morning having finished feeding chickens, cats….waiting for you to come down so that I can cook you some food. I miss you so much poopie, I yearn to hear you calling me “MEEEEEEEM” make me some food pleeeej”

  39. As a young teen, Gabs was possibly the most intelligent kid I’ve ever had the pleasure of talking to. She could put adults 3 times her age to shame.

    Witty, funny and beautiful.

    I’m so sad to hear she’s passed.

  40. Gabby may you dance amongst the stars and shine the brightest. You are safe in their light now and forever.

  41. I did not know you, I am not sure we ever met at those times when I met Mum and Dad but my insides cry out as I read the tributes to you, as I realise the loss to this world, but I know we will meet in that wonderful place to which you have gone, be happy others will now share your light.

  42. Come on and shine (shine), shine like a star Shining so bright like the star that you are Oh oh oh oh shine (shine) into the future Spreading your light wherever you are

  43. The loss of Gabs has sent a shock through me . She was a most intelligent and savvy young lady . She had a dry sense of humour and was always making us laugh with her jokes. She had her own unique perspective of the world and saw people for who they truly were. She did not suffer fools gladly. My condolences to all the family xxx

  44. A beautiful dear soul has left her loved ones too soon. We met first time when you were just a baby and again a few years later..a very shy young lady who hid behind her mum outside the house, and then running off giggling to play with her sister! These few memories are still with me today as I remember the beautiful, shy little girl! Bless you always. Our prayers and deep sympathies are with all of you at this very saddened time

  45. Hi Gab My heart ached when your dad barely able to speak, relayed this sad news.and whilst I never met you – I feel the your loss to the world around your family and friends – may god protect you and give you peace my prayers to you and family

  46. Gabs, thank you for being you… kind, considerate, gentle, comedic, articulate, intelligent, the list could go on, even now while I think of what to type, can imagine you rolling your eyes and telling me “ok slave, now make me some food”
    I love you poopie, nothing can replace the gaping hole left in our lives, your dad, Coley, Aaron and I will make sure we keep your memory alive, and I will try to do the things we had planned to do together, will travel to Japan, eat vegetarian food at a Michelin star restaurant, attend art galleries/historical places to become more “cultured”, that’s just for starters.
    My precious little girl am so proud to be your meeeeem. Gabs I love you and will miss you every minute until I hold you in my arms again, rest well my angel xxxxxxx

  47. You were my best friend for 4 years, 4 amazing years that I will always hold close to my heart. You were funny, smart, and always just there when I needed you to lend an ear. Everything we did together brought me so much joy, my sides would be sore for hours from laughter! I’ll never meet someone as amazing as you were, and I’ll never forget you for as long as I live. One day, we’ll meet again, but until then, rest easy bro. Love you.

  48. My beautiful little sister Gabriella passed away on Sunday. She was the most intelligent, creative, curious, sweet and special person to grace the lives of all who knew her. Life will never be the same without you and I know somewhere you are looking down on us, taking the mickey, making jokes and just being you. I wish I could see you just one more time but I know you are at peace. Through all the hardship in life, you still kept going, you made our family so happy and your memories will stay alive with us forever, you will always be in our hearts. Like a Sakura you were more beautiful than anything and your grace and presence was taken from us far too soon. Sleep easy little Angel Gabriella❤️ Aaron

  49. Gabriella
    You were a sister, best friend, daughter, auntie, mother to your cat Ivy, philosopher, artist, author, film critic, food connoisseur, teacher of uncultured swines, and comedian. You never judged others despite being judged yourself. Your heart was pure and honest, you lived life on your own terms. Those who knew you could never get enough of your time or attention. I hope you are enjoying everything you missed out on in life wherever you are.
    Love Coley

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Funeral Arrangements

We invite you to join us to celebrate the life of Gabriella Erin Sienna Henry


Date: 29/03/2022
Time: 11:30
St George's Roman Catholic Church
Location: 970 Harrow Rd, Sudbury Middlesex HA0 2QE GB

Additional Info:

In line with current CV19 guidelines, mourners are requested to wear face masks and observe safe distancing policies. The church is regularly sanitized.

Gabriella's funeral will be streamed live from the church at 11.30 on Tuesday 29th March. The stream can be accessed by clicking the invitation that will appear on this memorial site at least 48 hours ahead of the appointed time. If for any reason the stream is missed or interrupted, have no fear the funeral will be recorded simultaneously and can be accessed from the same invitation which will be available for at least 1 month. 


To help follow along with the funeral, the Order of Service document can be downloaded here:


The Requiem Mass will be followed by a short service and committal at Breakspear Crematorium, Ruislip, HA4 7SJ at 1.15pm

To access the stream from the crematorium please visit

User sopu1174       Password 164657

Please note the Carpark of the Breakspear crematorium closes at 16.30.

Following the committal refreshments will be served at the Club House of the Middx Stadium which is 2 minutes walking distance from the crematorium - there is ample parking available at the stadium


Date: 29/03/2022
Time: 14:15
The Club house at the Middlesex Stadium
Location: Breakspear Rd, Ruislip Middx HA4 7SB GB

Additional Info:

You are welcome to offer  small floral tributes, or donate to the ME Association. The Just Giving link below will take you directly to the ME donations website. 

Gift Ideas

Flowers £15

Donate £10 to Charity

Candles £5