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  2. Dear Uncle Eric,
    It’s been a pleasure to have known you for so many years through your daughter one of my best class mates Sheran. When ever we met you and Aunty Grace you were always happy to entertain us. We will always remember your beautiful smile and kindness.
    We will miss you but we know you are with God and Aunty.
    May your soul rest in peace. xxx

  3. We are so very grateful to have been your friends for these many years, & send sincere wishes for your comfort at this time of your loss. The Bible says, “absent from the body, present with the Lord”. We appreciate your thoughtfulness. We send you our love, Penny & Barbara.

  4. Dear Eric uncle, we will cherish the wonderful memories we have of you today and everyday.
    Love you always.
    May your soul rest in peace

  5. Our dear Eric, Grace, Sheran & Priya formed such a beautiful family unit we met in our 3rd year in Kitwe , Zambia. Our great friendships and regular parties including sing-along sessions are still so much alive in our hearts, bringing vivid memories of that wonderful bygone era. The 7 years we spent there were the best times of our lives.
    Since then, I didn’t fail to drop in and meet Eric, Grace and Sheran about twice or thrice during our visits to London.
    With divine blessings, may our beloved Eric rest in peace.

  6. Our times with uncle Eric, Aunty Grace and Sheren in Kitwe, Zambia were some of the most memorable and dearest times to us as a family, their house was always filled with laughter and music and all the parties ended with maestro Uncle Eric taking to the keyboard and what fun we had!!! ❤️❤️❤️I recall as a youngster on Christmas Eve (also Sheren’s birthday) uncle Eric flaming brandy on a silver ladle and pouring it over the amazing Christmas cake – the whole room lit up and it brought such joy to us all ❤️❤️ My father missed Eric’s company dearly and spoke of all the good times in Kitwe for years after we migrated to Australia, to our dearest friends and the Perera family – we will miss Eric and Grace dearly, we were so fortunate and blessed to have spent wonderful times with them, RIP uncle Eric, God bless – with fondest love Ponnambalam family (Sydney)

  7. This is my dads moms younger sisters husband.
    I was truely happy and glad i made the trip from new york to see my archchi grace and Erik seeya. Two great people of great generation. It was humble and great to have been in our lives Erik seeya. You were a great man with many wisdom. Calm and a happy man who loved his two daughters Sheran akka and priya akka, my grace archchi. Now you have joined your belovered wife grace, my dad and many others in our family. May you rest in the arms of our only god jesus. May you be free of pain and grief. Send a word of hello to grace archchi and dad for me. We will miss you. We love you endlessly. We cared for your pressence. But, our god wanted you in his home than leaving you with us for at least few more years to celebrate your 100. Jesus saw your pain and agnony and he took you in his arms. Watch over us Erik seeya and watch over your two great daughters who cared and loved you so so dearlyUntill we all see each other again in his great house in heaven. Thank you for all the joy you brought to your family, our families and our children. Thank you for been our Erik seeya. Love you, will miss you❤

  8. We have great memories of our days in Kitwe, Zambia. We will not forget the parties at your place which always ended in a sing-a-long and dancing and I ((Mohan) will always remember how welcoming you were when I first turned up Kitwe City Council for work. May you rest in peace.

  9. Dear Uncle Eric,
    May your soul rest in peace. You will be remembered always.
    Sharm and Mano.

  10. As I look back to the past, deep in my heart there lies the shadow of my beloved Uncle Eric, engulfed with sweet memories and who lived a great & successful life, gaining the respect of intelligent people as well as the immense love of his two daughters, Sheran and Priya. The simple life you have spent in this world with innocent smiles on your face and overflowing love in your heart, have drawn the attention of everyone. I am really happy that’ inexplicably he has filled his niche and accomplished the task of life. You never grew old dear Uncle Eric. Your smile was made of sunshine and your heart was solid gold overflowing with love. Your eyes were as bright as shining stars. Eventhough the past memories draw tears into my eyes I know that the Almighty God has brought eternal rest to his soul. Thank you dear Uncle Eric for all you have done to us, your family relatives and friends. On behalf of all the relatives, at this sorrowful moment we are grateful to you dear Uncle Eric for all the good things you have done for us. Good old memories will linger in our hearts for ever. Deepest sympathies to dear Sheran, Priya and the rest. May his soul rest in peace. With all our Love. Desmond and Chrishanthi.

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Funeral Arrangements

We invite you to join us to celebrate the life of Eric Emmanuel Comester Perera


Date: 24/01/2023
Time: 11:00
St George's Catholic Church
Location: 970 Harrow Rd, Sudbury London HA0 2QE GB

Additional Info:

  1. Eric's funeral will be streamed live from the church at 11.00 on Tuesday 24th January 2023. The stream can be accessed by clicking the invitation that will appear on this memorial site at least 48 hours ahead of the appointed time. If for any reason the stream is missed or interrupted, have no fear the funeral will be recorded simultaneously and can be accessed from the same invitation which will be available for at least 1 month.


Date: 24/01/2023
Time: 14:30
St George's Church Hall
Location: 970 Harrow Rd, Sudbury London HA0 2QE GB

Additional Info:

Eric's Requiem Mass will be followed by a short service at the Breakspear Crematorium at 13.30. The wake will run at St George's church hall. The family kindly request that in lieu of flowers mourners make a contribution to Kidnet Care UK which can be accessed via the Just Giving icon below.

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