A loving and beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. While being sadly missed she will be forever in our hearts.
We, her family, had the pleasure of celebrating her 100th birthday last May and we all have many happy and wonderful memories of the celebrations from that occasion.
Thank you for joining us here today for Nellie’s funeral mass.
This is a song that Nellie used to sing to her children when they were young:
A mother’s love is a blessing,
No matter where you roam.
Keep her while she’s living,
You’ll miss her when she’s gone.
Love her as in childhood,
When feeble, old and grey,
For you’ll never miss a mother’s love
‘til she’s buried beneath the clay.
We invite you to join us to celebrate the life of Nellie O'Sullivan
Date: 14/04/2023Additional Info:
Mourners are requested to observe safe distancing policies. The church is regularly sanitized.
Nellie's funeral will be streamed live from the church at 12.00 on Friday 14th April. The stream can be accessed by clicking the invitation that will appear on this memorial site at least 48 hours ahead of the appointed time. If for any reason the stream is missed or interrupted, have no fear the funeral will be recorded simultaneously and can be accessed from the same invitation which will be available for at least 1 month.
To allow those online to follow along, the order of service can be viewed by clicking here: http://clearmems.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Nellie-OSullivan-Order-of-Sevice-140323-Final.pdf
Additional Info:
If you so wish, donations in Nellie’s memory would be welcome for St Vincent’s Nursing Home which can be made on their website at svnh.co.uk OR via the Just Giving icon below.
Remembering Nellie with love . The jokes we shared when things went a bit awry when she was preparing lunch. Sending me off to get a grapefruit from Safeways when she saw me coming out of Emmaus House . She knew Fr. Pat hated soup and she was clean out of grapefruit.! Another time get some eggs ASAP please Beryl I have dropped two in two on the floor. Nellie always had time for me personally as I lost my family one by one and my close neighbours. in the space of eighteen months. Such love and kindness never to be forgotten .
I always called her auntie Nellie and always she use to laugh at me.She sure was a beautiful warm and friendly
Nellie was a true lady who will be fondly remembered.
May her gentle soul rest in peace. R.I.P
Fond memories of meeting Nellie, a lovely lady. We kept in touch over the years and she never missed sending a Christmas card. May Nellie’s gentle soul rest in peace.
Dearest Nellie was a wonderful, gentle woman who always had a warm welcome for us, we were blessed to have known her and will hold her memory dear.
Rest well Nellie – 101 a long and full life.
Nellie always had time for me personally. Always ready to speak and to listen. Nellie had a lot of wisdom and would know the right thing say. Nellie will never be forgotten. Xx