

  1. Dear Grandma Williams
    “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word. Just to rest upon his promise, just to know thus sayth the Lord”
    I feel so blessed to have been able to meet you 24 years ago on my 1st and only trip to UK thus far.
    You have run an admirable race of faith, and now you are resting in the arms of Jesus.
    My deepest condolences to the Williams family and Hanwell church family xx

  2. My beloved Pastor Amy Williams. You were an outstanding woman of God and undoubtedly instrumental in my life aswell as in my family.

    My Pastor Amy Williams you lived a life of faith and commitment to the Will and Purpose of God. You steamed the test of time. Thank you for you’re dedication to preaching the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    Pastor Williams was not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor knew that it is power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.

    I came to church in Flemming Road in 1980; brokenhearted, emotionally and mentally disorientated. It was through Pastor Amy Williams preaching that I received my deliverance.
    Pastor Williams, I remember the wonderful times we had in bible class, you taught me how to live a Holy and sanctified Christian life.

    Many have excelled from your enthusiastic teaching of the Word of God and your attention to detail. I will never forget the time you bought us Dates Bibles and a briefcase. Wow, we felt so proud to be a part of your ministry.

    The way that you cared and showed us such great love. You cherished and nurtured us as a mother.

    My beloved Pastor Amy Williams, you allowed me to achieve so much in all areas of my life; both spiritually and temporally.

    Yes Pastor I can say that you are and was indeed an outstanding women of God. You demonstrated that in all aspects of your life.

    You spoke for God you lived for God. Indeed you was in contact with God, he was living in you and through you.

    Pastor Amy Williams you’re preaching was always inspiring and constructive.

    Pastor, you was not only a leader, but one of God’s Generals. A visionary Prophetess, you knew how to fight against the enemy through fasting and prayer.

    You fought the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

    I will never forget one of the last messages that you preached. That will stay with me for the rest of my life.

    St John 17 My hour has come glory me with the glory which I had with you from the beginning.

    Pastor, you lived the life so that God can be glorified in you. The hour came when you was glorified and transported into the presence of the Lord.

    Rest in peace my beloved Pastor Amy Williams, you will be greatly missed.

  3. RIEP my beloved Pastor Amy Williams.

    ”In the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore”..

    Luv and miss you..

  4. My beloved loved wonderful mother, who has gone to be with her father whom she loves so much .my mother my pastor my best friend. My leader.i called her sister Rose . Jesus walked into his garden and looked at this wonderful rose, and said, I need you beside me today..I have lent you to the nations and you have labourd very hard and long. now it’s time to come home my child. You’ve run the the race and finally your time on earth is complete. Your children are safe daughter, for they’re in my hands. Come on home. Mom I know you had wanted to go a long time ago. I’m sooooo glad you said goodbye to me before you left. Mommy I remember everything! You showed me how to run this race and WIN. I’ll never forget your beautiful smile. Love you Mommy rest in peace Sister Rose.
    Your daughter “Gee”

  5. Tribute to Pastor Amy Rose Williams

    From Sis Carol Mayers 

    I truly thank God for blessing us with Pastor Amy Williams. I thank Pastor for the numerous and powerful scriptures the Holy Spirit inspired her to use to feed God’s flock and to help build and strengthen us on our Spiritual Walk, and to encourage us to remain steadfast in the Lord.

    As I reflect back on the many scriptures shared, 1 Peter 5, was one which really captured who Pastor was and her characteristics as the leader of the church. This scripture demonstrates a true example of her dedication and leadership in the church.

    “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; neither as being Lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” 1 Peter‬ ‭5:2-4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    Pastor Amy Williams was entrusted by God to care for the flock. She watched over us willingly, not grudgingly—not for her own personal gain but because she was eager to serve God. Pastor Amy wasn’t arrogant, domineering or over bearing in her teachings. She just wanted to lead, serve the Lord and be a good example to the flock who was assigned in her care, and to wait for the Great Shepherd to appear, so that she would receive a crown of never ending glory and honour, which she truly deserved. 

    Pastor Amy Williams was always a good example to the flock which God had entrusted her with. She truly did love each one of us as her own children. In the same way God chastised us out of love, she also did this in her teachings and built us up to make us stronger and to equip us for our Christian journey, so that we too can receive the prize of the higher calling. 

    Thank you Pastor Amy Williams for imparting on us your love, wisdom and knowledge through the living Word, the living truth, which you spoke to every generation, the Word that never changes and touched so many hearts and minds.

    Thank you for the Words you gave us as a lamp to our feet, and a light unto our path. – Psalm 119:105 ❤️

    We will always be in our hearts ♥️ 

  6. Beloved Pastor you were one of a kind and truly special. I remember when I was around 7/8 years old, she gave me a gift and inside it was a beautiful Teddy bear picnic, China tea set. In that moment I felt like the happiest kid and so special to get my very own gift from Pastor.
    As a child I would find a hideaway at home whenever I could, and make my own little Lord supper with ribena and crackers using my tea set. I still have this tea set till this day because it meant so much to me.
    Thank you Pastor, for always encouraging me, you were a true example of love and a faithful warrior for Christ. I can still recall you, saying ‘hold on, fight the good fight’.
    You ran well Pastor and lived such an impactful life for Jesus.
    You are truly missed, rest easy.
    Till we meet again in glory, lots of love

  7. My deepest condolences to all the Williams family.
    I have not been a member of the church for very long but I waited on each zoom meeting to hear the word that Pastor Amy Williams had to give me each time. The words to love one another will always resenate in my heart.
    I feel very privileged.. Thank you so much Pastor Amy Williams.

  8. Grandma I can’t really put into words what my heart wants to say but I love you.
    Grandma thank you for praying for me,
    thank you for always being there for me most importantly thank you for teaching us about Jesus , to love Jesus, and to pray.
    Thank you for teaching us about the importance of reading the Bible it is my firm foundation,
    Your words of life that God placed on the inside of you to speak into others has changed so many lives thank you for your obedience to the will of God to follow Jesus thank you for the endless nights you prayed for everyone I will miss you my grandma I will miss your voice , I will miss your smile, I will miss your hugs and I will miss making you some tea , I love you.

  9. Sending our condolences to the Williams family. We thank God for the day our Mother Sis Gwen Townsend gave her life to the Lord. This started a wonderful journey in my childhood, being part of the Ministry of Pastor Amy Williams. Pastor was truly a Mother to our family, praying for us, encouraging us and always giving us the living word of God. Words cannot express the love we have for Pastor, she was a unique and special woman of God. When our mother passed away I remember her always saying she needs to pray for the Townsend family as they no longer have their mother to pray for them. She was a mother to so many who had so much love to give. My sister Debra is so grateful for the Zoom platform for which she was able to have fellowship with Pastor and return to the Lord. Although living in Canada she is able to be a part of CFCM where her journey with the Lord began.We will miss her beautiful smile and encouraging words. The legacy you have left behind will continue. Love you so much mummy, keep resting in the arms of Jesus. Sis Denise Blavo and family, Sister Debra Menzies and family & The Townsend Family.

  10. I love my Beautiful mother so much, she was my best friend, we prayed together, sang together , laughed together, cried together, read the Bible together, she was a loving mother, I was blessed by God to have her in my life, she taught her children to love Jesus, that is the best gift any parent could offer their children
    My wonderful mother my still finding it hard to believe you’re gone but I know you’re in a better place in the arms of Jesus m.
    Forever in our hearts, Your legacy continues we love you.

  11. My dearest Grandma you hold a special place in my heart, which will never be forgotten. Your memories are like golden treasure, your love, thoughtfulness, kindness and words of wisdom will impact my life forever, your presence will be sadly missed, your laughter and your amazing singing, the great times we had will be with me until one day when we shall meet again. So for now it’s good bye, rest in the safe secure arms of Jesus, my love for you will never die from your loving Granddaughter Ruth your second Grandchild ❤️❤️


    Granmummy, words cannot describe the void and deep loss I feel since you’ve been gone. You have always been my Hero, my Inspiration and my Mentor. Thank you for all of the wisdom you bestowed on us, and for sharing your life’s story for us to truly recognise Gods hand upon your life.

    When thinking back over the past few years, particularly in 2020 Mummy, and how you studied Luke chapter 11 with me and laid your hands on me to pray under the anointing; within moments I was filled with the holy Ghost and spoke and worshipped in tongues for the very first time.

    You were truly a Mother to me. Not only did you bless me with the name Pearl, but I have so many memories; from the days when Kelly and I would come home to cooked omelette after school, to your infamous and long awaited coconut pudding at the end of prayer meetings! We had fasting, Bible study, Sunday school and the washing of the feet in the back church hall – that was our Life Mumma, and you made it so very special.

    I adopted so much of what I saw from you – prayer both day and night and anointing my children with oil. You loved your great-grandchildren, always telling me to remind Aunrei that he is saved and nicknaming my daughter “Sister Lily” even though I named her Rose after you . Whenever we would talk on the phone or even FaceTime, we would have such a laugh together – those memories I will never forget.

    You were amazed by the wonders of technology and despite the world being placed in lockdown you were still able to minister over Zoom and never missed a service – we were truly blessed.

    You preached with such Power and Strength even at the age of 96. You exemplified righteousness and was unwavering in your faith and devotion, literally practicing what you preached, living it out daily, loving us unconditionally and sharing the greatest gift, of the Gospel.- (Good news)

    As I grew I hung onto your every word and was so keen to have your blessings; I soon realised how invaluable those “God bless you’s” were from making a cup of tea to switching off the light. Some of us used to even playfully fight over your blessings realising that they were Gold dust, a true Love gift that helped to carry us through life.

    Whether I was coming downstairs first thing in the morning or going up to bed at night You always had this fresh and vibrant look, an undeniable glow and just so youthful! It was later revealed to me that it had to be the Holy Spirit within you so I began telling you just that, and calling it your “Holy Spirit Glow”

    Grandma you taught us how to serve God and told us that nothing we do in this life would matter except what we do for Christ. I vow to now live by that and also pass onto my own children.

    I am the woman I am today because of your guidance.

    You taught the essence of family and told us to always love and care for one another and touched so many lives both near and far, – even our neighbours and people form the community respect and love you so dearly.

    Mumma you always told me to sing and to use my gift and there’s a particular song which you loved to hear me sing so much, which I feel is just so fitting for today; so I sing this song for you – There’s a garden

    “There’s a Garden, where Jesus is waiting,
    There’s a place where the righteous must pass,
    It grows with, the light of Gods Goodness,
    It’s a Beautiful Garden of Prayer

  13. The Thomas Family have known Pastor (Mother) Williams, “Professor” and The Williams Family for over sixty years now and have many memories together.

    Pastor (Mother) Williams’ commitment to God and perseverance through most challenging times has been rewarded with a family who love God, love her and love each other together with her church family.

    Her family are very musical. We were all tremendously blessed by the powerful singing of The Heavenly Hopes (1970s). Pastor Mackay’s (“Gee Gee”) voice tutored many up and coming singers who became popular in the 1980s. I am still tickled, ignited and aroused with excitement when I hear her sing.

    Pastor (Mother) Williams has left a legacy, which will continue for many generations to come.

    RIEP ❤️

  14. My Beloved Pastor and Mother thanking God how you embraced me into the Williams family and as your son. You impacted my life as mentor, leader teacher and how your life was a true reflection of the word of God. Your Legacy will be with us for ever throughout the generation. Rest in heavenly peace Pastor Amy Willams

  15. My Gran Mama a woman of integrity, dignity knowledge wisdom and understanding. You showed me how to love, you taught me about Jesus and the importance of a word of God In our lives. Your kind caring gentle nature impacted my life. Your dedication to God will always be remembered you prayed and read the bible every day and encouragement was appreciated. I will always hold you in my heart and thoughts our special bond will live on until eternity. The Legacy you left will continue throughout the generation. I love Gran Mama Rest In Heavenly Peace, your Rose your first Grandchild ❤️

  16. I haven’t had a quiet, focused moment since the Lord called you home to his eternal rest, to stop, and to write something about you, my beloved, precious Pastor, and spiritual Mother.

    I don’t even have sufficient words now, but I just want to honour your life, and let the world know how blessed I’ve been to know you since the tender age of 3 years old, and have you as my Pastor and spiritual Mother for more of those years than not.

    Even when I wasn’t under your wing, you never stopped praying for me, caring about me, loving me, and sending encouraging words to me❤

    I thank God for that pre- ordained day that our family connected with yours and your ministry. If it wasn’t for your obedience to God, we may never have known about salvation, and the love of God, and eternal life through his son Jesus. Thank you for your selfless obedience to the call of God on your life.

    You were the most gracious, loving, gentle, kind and caring woman of God. A selfless leader and teacher, who taught us all we need to know to make it into the Kingdom of God, and you lived your life by example
    You were a great shepherd to the flock God entrusted you to lead

    God’s grace was always upon you, as at 96 years of age you had hardly any grey hairs or a wrinkle on your beautiful face, and your voice remained strong

    One of my most precious memories is a recent one, whilst during lockdown we had the privilege to sit at your feet (virtually on Zoom) sharing ‘A Night with Pastor Amy Williams’ . We listened to you sharing your life story with us. It was such a beautiful night

    I could go on and on, but the words are inadequate to capture and define who you were and what you meant to so many❤

    To say we’re going to miss you is more than an understatement. We’re missing you so much already

    But my beloved Pastor and Mother, you have fought a good fight, and you have finished your course You have left an amazing legacy, and we will continue the work with the priceless foundation that you have laid down for us.

    We love you sooooo much. We honour, and salute you. You were truly an Angel sent from God, and now he has called you home

    Rest in eternal peace our Beautiful Mother until we meet again in the sweet by and by ❤

  17. I met Pastor Amy Williams in 1969. She prayed that I would be saved, and her prayer was answered. It has been 53 years, and has been sweet fellowship all the way.
    She treated me as her own daughter, and she was more than a mother to me. I was shown love, and I felt loved. I was treated as one of the family, and her children treat me as their sister.
    I didn’t know the Lord, but when I met Pastor, I saw him in her, and she has nurtured me through the word of God
    She bore the characteristics of her Lord, and her life reflected the love of God.
    She loved to sing. She loved to sing to the Lord, and ‘shout’ as Pentecostal brethren do, when they are moved by the spirit of God.
    Even at 96, mum was still moving those beautiful feet
    Mum used to play the accordion early on in her ministry, and what a blessing, when she started playing, heaven came down, and Glory filled our souls
    Mum was so graceful, and her words were spoken with grace. Even when she ate her meal it was done grace
    She was peaceful, and clothed with humility. She was a lady of her word, and she lived what she preached. She was a perfect example to her flock. She loved the word of God. It was her life! She loved it more than her daily food, and it was her delight to come to us, and feed us with the word.
    Pastor, and Mother, Amy Williams was filled with the love of God, and was steadfast in her faith. She was a gentle shepherd in her leading, and a warrior in prayer, who stood strong in the battles of life.
    I believe one day there will be a call of honour with all the names of faithful mothers who prayed night and day for their families. For God honours mothers who honour God, and mum’s name will be right at the top.
    She has run this race patiently and has finished her course. She has kept the faith, and now she is receiving the crown of righteousness that the Lord has promised to all overcomers.
    Mum you have left us many precious memories, and your love is still our guide. Although we can’t see you, you are on the side of the track watching us continue to run the race (quote from Pastor Davis)
    Even though we will now only have memories of you from the past, one day we will be you in the future.
    One day, the Lord showed the saints that had passed away to Mum in a vision. They were singing in heaven and saying ”You thought we were dead, but we are alive” and they sang this song to mum….
    “Up heavens land so bright and fair, up heavens land so high and clear (repeat).

    Love you Mum xx

  18. Poem: We remember Pastor Amy Williams

    My sincere condolences to the Williams family at this very sad time.

    Pastor Williams taught us the profound undiluted word of God whilst  always encouraging us to read and study the word of God for ourselves.
    She told us, that God so loved us, and therefore we also must love.
    The unconditional love she had for all was there to answer every call.
    The extra mile you took for your flock – even down on your knees in prayer – sometimes until the break of day.
    A prayer warrior that’s who you were. Pulling down strongholds setting the captives free.
    You were always adorned in your favourite colour (white) along with your poise and warm smile and greeting all you passed by.
    It was a joy and blessing to be in your presence.

    With sorrow in our hearts and tears in our eyes. Thank God we can still manage a smile as we remember all the happy and blessed times that were shared.
    We thank you for sharing your life with us.
    You exhibited God’s love to us as only a true mother could. You were full of compassion, love, care and respect for all.
    A mother who went above and beyond for her family and the church.
    God gave us one of the finest flowers from his garden. You’ve returned as a beautiful light. You’ve left a legacy. We the Church will continue to build upon the foundation of which you have laid and In the way we were taught.
    The last words you gave the Church was to “love one another”.
    You are loved and missed daily.


    A true example to all … Pastor, Founder, Mother, Mentor and Friend.
    With the knowledge of someone who knows that God is by her side, she had the strength of a lion, cocooned in the body of an angel. Gentle, humble, loving, with a commanding presence. Drawing us near, captivating all with her unassuming demeanour.
    Determined to spread the Gospel near and far. Her words were not empty, they were exemplified by deed. The Word trickled out to all who encountered her, like the ripples of water in a calm still pond, shaking and touching everything in its path.
    No need to worry. Mum is resting, at peace, looking down from her long-awaited home in the sky. Seated at the feet of our heavenly Father. Faded from our sight but not from our mind. Her spirit continues to guide us from afar. Radiating love and unity, arms stretched out across every home. The legacy left by a righteous warrior. Faithful from beginning to end. No wavering, committed, resolute.
    Finally hearing the words “Well done, good and faithful servant; …. enter thou into the joy of the Lord”.

  20. To the entire Williams Family, may the memories of Mother, our Pastor strengthen and comfort you Always!
    When I started going to CfCM Downsview regularly, having first visited Fulham and Hanwell Church conventions in the past, I knew that I was home. I felt the most comfortable I had ever felt within a Church. I always felt welcomed, always felt significant. I subsequently gave my life to the Lord in September 2019. Although the years since then have been filled with challenges for me, for us all, I am so, so grateful to God for the times spent on Zoom Church getting to know my beloved Pastor Amy Williams better.

    Pastor Amy Williams, you were masterful in your delivery of God’s mighty Words. Your Teachings and the way you would break down the gospel verses have been like gold dust sprinkled all around. Your energy was strong and as robust as a pure uncut diamond. Your beautiful, smile, elegance and infectious chuckle were as radiant as any bright sunny day.

    You were not just the Founder of this wonderful, Worshipful and powerful Ministry you were a Mother first, to us all – caring, doting and protective of your congregation. Your assurance and fondness for us shined bright like a star. You told us and showed us God’s type of love – UNCONDITIONAL. I am just so thankful to the entire Williams Family for sharing you with us during this precious time.

    I am also grateful for your personal telephone call to me – I will never forget the day – 29 December 2021. I was fearful, anxious and worried about health matters that day and you didn’t know that you called at the right time – Minister Sarah announced that you would like to speak with me. You wanted to thank my Sister and me personally for a card we had sent, you then encouraged me and let me know I was doing great things for the Lord in the Church and you prayed for me at that moment and that prayer covered me and healed me that day. I will hold you close and fondly in my heart always.

    This quote reminds me of something you once said Pastor “Those you leave everything in God’s hand eventually see God’s hand in everything|”

    Thank you for being the Founder of CfCM, a prophetess and the blessed woman of God – a special Mother, Pastor, and our Queen. Rejoice in Glory Pastor Amy Williams – you deserve your crown. You have done God’s work, obediently, completely and perfectly. You have always told us to love one another, to trust in the Lord our Saviour, to read the word and study the word, to pray believing and to Praise the Lord always.

    Love you and miss your presence already Pastor. Rest in sweet heavenly peace until such time we meet again. I have that hope – Praise the Lord!

  21. My deepest condolences to the entire Williams Family.

    I am so glad that I had the blessing and privilege to know Pastor Amy Williams personally.

    I became a member of ‘Chosen for Christ Ministries (CfCM)’ about 25 years ago firstly attending Hanwell Pentecostal Church of God (as it was known then) before joining the congregation at the new sister branch, CfCM Downsview, which is Pastored by Pastor Dixon, the daughter of Pastor Amy Williams. Over the years, I became one of her Ministers.

    One recollection I have of Pastor Amy Williams was when I attended one of the many conventions held at Hanwell. At the end of a beautiful service, Pastor Amy Williams was being ushered down the aisle by one of her Ministers. As I stared at this beautiful, elegant, majestic lady dressed all in white, she walked with a perfect loving smile on her face – we made eye contact, she stopped and I said, “God bless you Pastor”. She responded, “God bless you”. She looked me in the eyes, placed her hand on my shoulder and simply said Revelation 3, Verse 10 “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” I said thank you and she carried on walking. I quickly opened my bible and marked it as a Word given to me by Pastor Amy Williams.

    I know we all miss our dear Pastor terribly, but we take comfort knowing that she is where she longed to be. With her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Angels are celebrating her homecoming. In the midst of our sadness, that’s the joy I hold onto.
    Exalter Anderson

  22. Where do I start. Pastor Williams ‘Mummy’. I was age 11 when mum brought me to church. You taught me the word of God, the best teacher I could ever have. I admired you, your love, your grace and your smile that filled the room. I remember always running straight up to you after church and giving you the biggest hug. You were like an angel all in white. You blessed me and that blessing is keeping me. I loved when you called my name, the words of encouragement and kindness, they remain deep in my heart.

    I love you Mummy Williams, you ran your course faithfully , thank you for shaping me into the woman of God I am today. Rest in peace until we meet again

  23. Pastor Mummy Williams. When I travelled here from Italy in 1990, I hated myself, thank you for teaching me, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, how to love myself and better still how to Love the Lord. I will miss our phone calls so much. Our QUEEN RIEP.

  24. Proverbs 1
    [8] My son, hear the instruction of your father, And do not forsake the law of your mother;

  25. What a beautiful fair well. I know I did not know Mother, Pastor Amy Williams as you all but in my short time she has so touched me her Words of forgiveness and encouragement. Romans 5:17 For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one. Amen❤️

  26. My dearest auntie Rose . I know you are at peace RIP.
    Thank you for all the kindness that you showed me when I was a young and confused child. You thought me how to love Jehovah God. And to loved others.
    You thought me the values of loving Jesus Christ our saviour.
    Thanks to you I am still serving God. I know my mother loved you and my auntie Hazel yours sisters. We their children loved you.
    And today we are all sad because we all know we have loss a great and wonderful auntie a part of our family that we can’t replace.
    I am so very happy that I was able to speak with two weeks before your pasting. This has given peace and the prayer you prayed with me over the phone for the children and entire family. You prayed that we will all come Togather. Auntie thank you for your blessing for the family.
    Love you Angela Plummer.
    RIP ❤️

  27. My dearest auntie Rose . I know you are at peace RIP.
    Thank you for all the kindness that you showed me when I was a young and confused child. You thought me how to love Jehovah God. And to loved others.
    You thought me the values of loving Jesus Christ our saviour.
    Thanks to you I am still serving God. I know my mother loved you and my auntie Hazel yours sisters. We their children loved you.
    And today we are all sad because we all know we have loss a great and wonderful auntie a part of our family that we can replace.
    I am so very happy that I was able to speak with two weeks before your pasting. This has given peace and the prayer you prayed with me over the phone for the children and entire family. You that we will all come Togather. Auntie thank you for your blessing.
    Love you Angela Plummer.
    RIP ❤️

  28. In loving memorys of day gone by a spiritual mother and ambassador for christ much loved R.I.P Pastor Sterlings Niece Hyacinth and Sister Mother Macpherson

  29. Deepest love and honour to one of Gods choice servants. Thankful to God for your vision, apostolic calling and Kingdom Spirit. We at Forestside Church Belfast have always been honored to be called a “sister church” to CFCM. This covenant friendship flowed from Pastor Williams heart and has remained strong and unmoved to this day. To the whole family circle and church family we send our love, prayers knowing that the God of all Grace and comfort will strengthen , uplift and carry you all in these next few days and months..Well done Pastor Williams you have run the race well with Grace and Love and for that we are deeply grateful. Much love Pastor Samuel & Zelda and all the church family at Forestside Church Belfast.

  30. My Pastor Amy Williams was a spiritual mother who was very involved in my life growing up. She mentored me, encouraged me, and taught me the way. I will never forget her prayers and the time she took to listen to me. She will be missed so very much!

    To the Williams family and church family, may God strengthen us and give us peace.

    May you RIP my beloved Pastor xx

  31. It is with heartfelt sympathies and prayers I send to the entire family circle and church family of Pastor Williams. A true mother in Israel. Someone who gave a warm welcome to me, a prodigal son from Ireland in 1993, I am forever grateful….weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning! Pastor Tim McIlwrath, N.Ireland

  32. Precious memories. A great Pastor and a friend of Ireland. She envisaged fellowship with a land across the sea and in 1996 with the arrival of Pastor Dickson and Evangelist Bloomfield to our Church in Belfast together with the Hanwell Choir that link was firmly established. There followed years of fellowship and friendship which today is as strong as ever. Nothing will separate us,together not for the years of time alone but for Eternity. We salute you Pastor Williams. Visionary and friend of Ireland.

  33. Pastor A Williams, my Pastor since I was 5 years old, she welcomed my mother and my sister into Hanwell Pentecostal Church and she was my spiritual leader for 24 years. I thank God for her encouragement and inspiration as a wonderful, compassions and beautiful women of God and Leader. She trusted me as the Praise and Worship Leader and Choir Director for many years, which set me up to go on to be able to lead Praise and Worship and conduct the Church combine choir in my current church (Church of God World Fellowship- CGWF). She was always there when you needed her with a kind word of encouragement to get you through. God used Pastor in a mighty way with the word, the songs she sang with such passion and her personal testimony of how God had brought her through. I thank God for the Williams family who shared this wonderful woman with the church for many years.

    We pray that God will comfort your hearts at this time.

    Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

    God bless you all.

  34. For my Pastor❤️

    If I was to write about you what would I say
    Words would fail me as to how you helped me on my Christian way.

    Your selfless love and your pure heart is next to none, pastor you truly were a gift sent to us from above.

    I remember the times when you would come into church all dressed in white, the weather never seemed to deter you because you always had a word to give us and that word was always true.

    I reflect on my up bringing in church were it all began, I was born in to your ministry and because of your commitment I can still stand.

    The church famous anthem of ‘praise God’ replays in my head, the pieces of tissue we waved as we marched around and declared victory whilst praising God on the way.

    Pastor our spiritual well being was a priority to you, you took the word of God seriously and you encouraged us to the same so we could all stand uprightly.

    The memories of Monday night Bible class before the pandemic began, you would teach us the word verse by verse everything was covered and you made sure you brought it across so we could all understand.

    I could go on as my heart is filled with many memories of how you have impacted my life.

    Pastor, you will always hold a special place in my heart and you will forever be missed.

    I know you are now resting sweet in our saviours loving arms, heaven has truly gained one of the best but your legacy I will never forget.

    If I was to write about you what would I say
    Words would fail me as to how you helped me on my Christian way, your selfless love and your pure heart is next to none, pastor you truly were a gift sent to us from above.

    I remember the times when you would come into church all dressed in white, the weather never seemed to deter you because you always had a word to give us and that word was always true. I reflect on my up bringing in church were it all began, I was born in to your ministry and because of your commitment I can still stand.

    The church famous anthem of ‘praise God’ replays in my head, the pieces of tissue we waved as we marched around and declared victory whilst praising God on the way. Pastor our spiritual well being was a priority to you, you took the word of God seriously and you encouraged us to the same so we could all stand uprightly.

    The memories of Monday night Bible class before the pandemic began, you would teach us the word verse by verse everything was covered and you made sure you brought it across so we could all understand.

    I could go on as my heart is filled with many memories of how you have impacted my life.

    Pastor, you will always hold a special place in my heart and you will forever be missed.

    I know you are now resting sweet in our saviours loving arms, heaven has truly gained one of the best but your legacy I will never forget.

  35. Our heartfelt condolences to the William’s family.

  36. My heartfelt condolences to the Williams family as well as the CFCM family. Mummy has touched so many of us in son many ways especially my family (Broomfield). May God grant her eternal peace and may light perpetually shine on her

  37. In a Short period I had a strong relationship with Pastor Amy williams.
    She is a Great woman of God.
    Pastor Amy williams is the pillar of the International ministry.
    Thank you for your prayers and love towards will be greatly missed.
    You will always be in our Hearts.
    We love you and miss you very much.
    You have fought the good fight, you have finished the race, you have kept the faith.
    Rest in peace Pastor Amy williams.

  38. Pastor, Mummy Amy Williams. A true Legend, Warrior and child of God, mummy has been an exemplary leader to my family since I was a child.
    My deepest, sympathy and condolences goes out to the Williams family, May the Lord continue to strengthen and comfort you.
    Continue to rest In The arms of the Lord mummy until we meet again.

  39. You’re Legendary Grandmumma. My Everything. My Best Friend. ✝️

    Thank you for your prayers, blessings, love, guidance, support, wisdom, nurture, talent, laughter, teaching us the true Gospel, encouragement, your example and your Legacy.

    You will always be my Sunshine Mumma. My heart is so broken but I know that I will see you again. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

    I Love You So Much ♥️♥️

  40. Dear Mummy Williams, I am still at a loss for words and still finding it hard to believe that you have gone home to be with the Lord. The first thing I would like to say is that it has been truly an honour to know you. Over the many years that I have known you, you’ve shown me so much love. I miss you dearly and have so many fond memories of my early days
    as a new believer in Hanwell Church. Thank you mighty Woman of God for your teachings, impartations, words of encouragement and blessings over my life. You have been consistent and faithful in your walk with Christ and God will reward you for all your labours and Kingdom building work whilst here on earth. God bless you Mummy Williams. May you rest in God’s eternal peace. love you and miss you. See you on that great and marvellous day when we shall all meet again. Minister Sharon Hosten.

  41. My beloved Pastor Williams has thought me how conduct myself in the way of the Lord.Through her teachings and many fastings and prayers,i have become a Minister also for God children. May you take your rest ,sleep on until we all meet by his grace in that new Jerusalem

  42. My condolences to the family and CfCM brethren.
    My memory of Mother Williams will always be one of awe, respect and fondness.
    I would often see this elder woman, matriach and anointed vessel at convention meetings I attended at Hanwell Church. She had a look about her like someone who was overshadowed by God’s presence. She smiled as if receiving from an untapped source of joy. When I greeted her after service, she would pleasantly greet me back, “hello darling, the Lord bless you”. One time, she looked at me and prophesied. I’ll keep what she said to myself.

    What an example of a goldly person and servant of Christ. She has left a legacy and indelible mark on many lives including my own.

    She was a Saint of God and diamond vessel who showed that when you are close to God and anointed you are humble and faithful.

    My thoughts and prayers are with thr family and CfCM brethren. God bless you.
    Pastor Wayne
    Nebaioth Prophetic Church

  43. Mammy has arrived at her correct eternal address. I had a dream many years ago . In my dream mammy had died .I found myself in a room where she was attended to and dressed for an occasion .She appeared young and very beautiful. Someone placed a long majestic heavenly purple robe on her .A jewelled crown was arranged on her head .As I looked on within my spirit it became known to me she was being dressed for her appearance and introduction to Him for whom she lived ,her Lord and Saviour Jesus . I told this to Mammy . May we all thank God for this His servant whom He has shared with us.She has taught us our aim to reproduce Christ in us . May we now accept the will of her Lord who longed to embrace this His humble ,faithful ,child and servant whom He longs to embrace with the words , WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT ENTER INTO YOUR REST .

  44. My ‘Champion Mother’ (you smiled everytime I called you by this name). It was you and me all the way until God decided to take you home to Glory.

    The precious private moments we shared, laughing, crying talking together, day and night was priceless.

    Mum, Mum, Mum my heart has been breaking every single day in a million pieces

    I will see you again My darling, My Rose, My Mother. Sleep on Mum you are getting a well deserved rest. ❤️ xXx

    Sarah Williams (daughter)

  45. Honourable servant of the most high God,Pastor Williams, Teacher, Friend.I sat at your feet in Humility. Around your table, in your ministry and learn wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the word of God. You taught me how to pray and believe God, how to fast, pray and worship God. 22 years how I treasures those memories.One of your favourite Psalms I remember was Psalms 139v6. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. Then we would worship and Praise God endlessly. I know you you are around the throne of God waiting for church to come. We will see you later, our Pastor, Mother and friend.I love . We Love but Jesus Loves you better. RIP. Beckford Family.

  46. Mother Williams leaves a legacy of compassion, commitment and consistency that is evident in her children, her extended family and her ministry. We are inspired by her life and impact in the lives of so many. May her family find comfort in the knowledge that she is finally at home in the presence of her Lord and King, whose she was and whom she served from her heart.

  47. Dearest Grandma,
    My heart is broken that you have left us, but I am glad that you are now resting in the arms of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Grandma, you have always loved me and cared for me, showed me how to be a Man of God, I am truly and eternally grateful for this. Love you and miss you forever my Grandmother. ❤️

  48. My deepest condolences to the williams family pastor Amy Williams was a great woman of God kind loving gentle caring loving very graceful I was under her ministry for three years and I thank God for those three years I will never her shoulders that I use to cry on I know she is resting in her father’s arms she as fight a good fight and won the race glory hallelujah she is home be comforted family ❤️Sister Dawn.

  49. My condolences go to all the family. My thoughts are with you all. I never met this great woman but heard so much good things about her. She will truly be missed.

  50. My Deepest Sincere Condolences to all the Williams Family, you’re all in my thoughts and Prayers. Pastor Williams is a Mighty Beacon of Light called from the Lord to deliver his people . My family and I was drawn by that Beacon ,so that we could learn the ways and teaching of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, so we’ll be able to stand and overcome ❤️ Praise the Lord SIP Pastor Williams. ❤

  51. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God believe also in me.
    In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.
    And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”
    “John 14”
    Rest in eternal Peace Pastor Williams, thank God for your life. I love and miss you.
    Until we meet again in Heaven.
    Mother Flora

  52. Dearest Pastor Amy (Mommy) Williams
    The Lord decided to take you home to be with him…..I miss you so very much but thank God for your life which has been a constant in my life. You epitomised so much love, grace and beauty with a steadfast faith in our Lord Jesus.
    Your life was a blessings to me and you are so very loved and missed beyond words or measure.
    You were the most amazing person to me Mom…thank you for your teachings, patience, guidance and love which will remain with me always. set example on how to love and trust God completely.
    You ran your race well Mom…now be at rest and sleep in Heavenly peace.

    Love and miss you always ❤️
    Minister Janice Hosten

  53. Words fail me. When I heard of Mother Williams’ transition I felt as though we have truly lost our ‘Queen’. There will never ever be another lady quite like her. She exudes excellence. Her children are beautiful, and so respectful to everyone they meet. Mummy Williams has taught them well.

    I met Pastor Williams in her early days of ministry, and she has never changed. Her love was unblemished, she was non judgemental. She loved everyone.

    Juliet Chambers

  54. I remember spending Summer vacations in London when I studied in Hungary from 1978-1984. Before returning to school I would always visit Pastor Williams at home to receive her prayers and blessings. I truly enjoy ed those moments and always felt that I had divine protection.
    Thank you for your service Pastor Williams! You have achieved quite a milestone and will be greatly missed! RIEP!
    Juliet Smith-Edwards

  55. Mother Williams Pastor, Teacher, Leader has been taken away from the earthly garden and has been placed in the garden of heaven, sleeping in the arms of her maker.
    She has said goodbye to her earthly duties and now receiving the reward of her Father.
    The journey had been a great one and now the crown awaits to be placed on her head.
    Great Teacher your work on earth is completed and God saw it now fit to receive you in the land of rest.
    Sleep on RIEP.
    “If we could count the tears that has fallen, it would seem like an ocean.
    If the heart were a window that everyone could look through the pain and scars they would see.
    But tears will never stain the streets of city
    No wreath of death on this mansion door.
    Tear drops aren’t welcome beyond the gates of glory
    Cause the heart will never break any more.”
    Sleep on Mother Amy Williams
    Curate Judy Ursheila.

  56. Mother Williams has been known to me forgot over 50years she has prayed for me and encouraged me in so many ways she has been a counsellor an adviser an educator words are inadequate to describe Mother Williams your work on earth is complete and God saw it fit to welcome you home RIEP❤️❤️

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Funeral Arrangements

We invite you to join us to celebrate the life of Pastor Amy Agatha Williams


Date: 05/04/2022
Time: 11:00
Chosen for Christ Ministries (CfCM) at Hanwell Methodist Church Building
Location: 16 Church Rd, Hanwell London W7 1DJ GB

Additional Info:

In line with current CV19 guidelines mourners are requested to wear face masks, refrain from hugging and observe safe distancing policies. The church is regularly sanitised.

Pastor Amy Williams’ State Home Going Service Arrangements will be streamed live from the church at 11.00 on Tuesday 5th April. The stream can be accessed by clicking the invitation that will appear on this memorial site at least 48 hours ahead of the appointed time. If for any reason the stream is missed or interrupted, have no fear the funeral will be recorded simultaneously and can be accessed from the same invitation which will be available for at least 1 month.

The Order of Service can be accessed by clicking the link below:

In lieu of flowers the family kindly request that mourners make a donation to one of Pastor Amy Williams’ favourite charities, which are: Daystar-Israel 0800 088 55 18 or Email: - Ref: Israel

or WaterAid Text WATER to 70300 Or Call 0800 088 7700, alternatively donations can be made via the Just Giving icon below:

Donation form | WaterAid | WaterAid UK

Additional Info:

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (KJV) “13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.”

Gift Ideas

Flowers £15

Donate £10 to Charity

Candles £5