

  1. I remember Richard as thoroughly nice person, we’d been putting off a catch-up meeting for a few years, events getting in the way. Still the jokes that arrived on the phone were very welcome.
    This is a reminder to all, that time is not on our side and try to meet friends & relations whilst we can.

  2. Who will we go to The Wheatsheaf pub with to watch Arsenal play? Who will we go to lndia India with in Northfields? Who will we go to Lammas Park with on a summer’s day picnic? Who will we play silly guess the year and singer games with till 2am in the morning? Who will we talk to about our love of street food from childhood days in India, and get recipes from? Who will we share a good bottle of red wine and cheese with? Who will make us laugh with Whatsapp messages and love filled emojis? Who will we get to discuss faith with? Who will be our honorary cousin in our Cousin’s Group? You, dear, sweet, Richard. We will miss every moment and memory we had with you in unspeakable measures.

    We are grateful knowing we got to see you more than expected last year and spent some quality time together in between lockdowns.
    You leave a big Richard-shaped hole in our lives and we will miss your warmth, love, kindness and friendship, We love you, buddy, and will see you on the other side. May you rest in peace. Your friends, Kat and Martin xxx

  3. I sent this message to Richard whilst he was in hospital-Hey Rich you probably won’t see this for a while but keep fighting and get through this. Everyone is praying for your speedy recovery. You’d be amazed at the messages I’m getting (I was ), I know your getting the best treatment and I’m sorry I didn’t realise how ill you were feeling. Mate knowing you are my friend makes me feel like the luckiest person alive. Can’t wait to see you my friend and enjoy a few beers together. Hang in there and we’ll see each other soon. Much love, Martin xxx

  4. Richard,
    I’ll always have such fond memories of you since our introduction through Martin in the late 80’s.
    You’ll be forever in my thoughts.
    I’ll make sure to let you know when Arsenal win the league again !
    Rest In Peace mate xxx

  5. Dear Richard
    When ever we met you . You were always happy and very charming. You will be missed very much by us all.
    Rest in peace

  6. Dear Richard
    Thank you for being such an amazing true & genuine friend over the years, I have known you since you were a little lad along with meeting your loving Mum, Dad, sisters Ingrid and Suzie for the first time during my school days in Belgaum over 40+ years ago…when Godfrey and I were lodging at your Nana’s (Aunty Moira) house or as we called it ‘The White House’. We had lots of fun times there and fond treasured memories of our days in Belgaum

    I will always remember your infectious smile, caring nature and always making time for me and my family.
    It was a privilege and a pleasure to have known you, a wonderful, talented, kind, polite and an affectionately loving and caring family man, who adored his family especially your dear boys.. whom you were so very proud of.
    I will miss you very much, not to mention all the chats/calls on WhatsApp, the funny jokes and pics from time to time of the tasty looking dishes you had cooked.
    Richard, although we will all miss you dearly, you will always be remembered in hearts.
    Goodbye buddy until we meet again someday.
    Rest in peace my dear friend

  7. We were fortunate to have met Richard in Raissac a number of years ago. At the time the European football Championship was played and we spent many days and hours watching the game together both in the bar in Canet and at Ingrid’s home. I learnt that Arsenal was his team and ever since I would think of Richard when watching them play on television. I think very fondly of those days and I’m glad having met him. He will be sadly missed by so many.
    Jane and Anders

  8. Dear cousin Richard,
    So we write this memory,
    do we even dare,
    So many wonderful memories of the time we’ve shared,
    But the one that we hold very dear,
    was in the Month of May,
    When you performed as DJ on our wedding day.
    Of all the beautiful things about you to remember as time goes by,
    Is your warm affectionate hugging and your bright infectious smile.
    Remember though there’s distance,
    We’ll never be apart, as you’ll always be remembered deep within our broken hearts.

    You’ll be missed more than you’ll ever know by all your dear loving family , The Dunn’s Browne’s and the McKenzies.
    RIP dear Richard today and always .. love You ..Pat & Els

  9. Rest in peace my beloved cousin Richard. I will miss you dreadfully, your warm, funny and generous soul. I will always remember you taking Judy and I to visit our ancestral home in South Molton, Devonshire, and walking over the graves of the Dunn family at St. Marys Church. I know they will welcome you with open arms now. Love from all the Dunns in the USA, Billy, Temmie, Barney, Lionel and of course, me Dot.

  10. Unlike most of my third cousins, I had the pleasure of meeting you once – at my Grandpa Leslie Sr’s funeral in Belgaum on Feb 1, 2011. I remember you being so kind, polite, and well-spoken during that one and only interaction we had. Then we connected over Facebook. We bonded over football and often bantered about our rival clubs – Arsenal & Man United. I’ll miss the banter and the laughs. I’ll miss seeing all the pictures of your trips. I’ll miss the funny videos you would randomly share with me. But I know we will have that second meeting someday. Until then, RIP Cuz❤️
    To Richard’s family – aunty Yvonne, Ingrid, Susan, Jacob, Daniel & Samuel, may you find strength and solace in knowing that Richard is at peace and watching over each of you. Our hearts go out to you, and our prayers are with you.
    Love from your extended family in Goa, India

  11. It was a pleasure to have Richard as a good friend since his 18th Birthday. He was always the life and soul of the party and any social gatherings. So full of life and joy. As a group of friends, we had good times going to music venues, weekenders and clubbing in London & all over the country in the 80’s and ’90s. He was a big music fan with a huge musical knowledge and DJ’d at my sister’s unforgettable 18th and 21st Birthday Parties giving the crowd his energy and love as always. Rest In Peace Rich x

  12. Oh Richard, I have such fond memories of our carefree, youthful days together and your exuberant boyish spirit. Thank you for every one of them and your unfaltering kindness over the years. You were one of life’s best. Rest in peace, dear friend.

  13. Amor mío
    He terminado tu regalo el rostro de jesus, el que borde para tí con todo mi amor, dedicación.
    Aún puedo recordar como sonreias cada vez que lo veías y decías lo hermoso que estaba quedando.
    Entonces me felicitabas.
    Cada día querías verlo.
    Aquí te lo dejó hoy con todo mi amor. ❤️☹️Te extraño mucho.

  14. Richard, It was a pleasure to have meT you through my brother Russel. I will miss your fun loving nature, great sense of humour and such a good heart. May your soul rest in peace. Our prayers are with your family and god bless them all. Dawn and family, Russel and Edith

  15. I’m glad I got to connect with you. I wish my boys could have met you and your family in person. You will be greatly missed ❤️

  16. Richard my memory is of seeing you in India when we used to come home to be with Susan.
    May your soul rest in peace and God bless the family

  17. Is was a privilege to know Richard and I will sorely miss his humour and good nature. It is such a loss and my heart go out to his family

  18. G’day Mate, Richie Rich, or mamma’s boy was how we addressed you. We were so privileged to meet you and your beautiful family in 2017 on our holiday to the UK. You were so kind and thoughtful with a warm and loving heart. We have such fond memories of our trip and all the fun we had and the places you took us to visit. We appreciated all the time you spent with us and the way you cared for Ryan.
    The Nevers would hurt the most: never another FaceTime call, never another WhatsApp call, never the late night and early morning chats with us, never another cheeky smile, and never seeing your face again. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. You left us far too early before your time, and we didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. We love and miss you. Rest in peace Rich.

  19. G’day Mate, Richie Rich, or mamma’s boy was how we addressed you. We were so privileged to meet you and your beautiful family in 2017 on our holiday to the UK. You were so kind and thoughtful with a warm and loving heart. We have such fond memories of our trip and all the fun we had and the places you took us to visit. We appreciated all the time you spent with us and the way you cared for Ryan.
    The Nevers would hurt the most: never another FaceTime call, never another WhatsApp call, never the late night and early morning chats with us, never another cheeky smile, and never seeing your face again.
    Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
    You left us far too early before your time, and we didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. We love and miss you. Rest in peace Rich.

  20. Dear Richard, Our hearts still can’t comprehend the truth of your passing into another place.
    Our last memory of you was a brief one but one that will stay forever.
    From the moment you took sick all we hoped was for you to recover and come home to your Family. God truly chooses the best, and so he has you now. Fly high and rest in peace. You’ve left here a wonderful legacy who will always do you proud.
    Our heartfelt condolences with Aunty Yvonne, your loving sisters, the boys.
    God bless you Richard

  21. Dear Richard,
    I’ve had very limited occasions to meet and interact with you, but from the times I’ve had, you always came across as a very gregarious, happy and witty individual, a proud father and a loving, son, brother, nephew, cousin and friend.
    Full of life and always smiling!
    I’m certain you must be looking down at us, curious to know what the fuss is all about and saying “I’m just fine”!
    In the company of Dad Bobby and Grandma Moira I’m sure there would never be a dull moment!
    Farewell dear friend, till we meet again!

  22. Richard it was a pleasure meeting you when I was in Dubai..and we spent the whole nite yapping about our families..I will always treasure those moments..and all the funny pics and jokes we shared on Facebook..we all prayed and begged God to save you and never to take you away..but God needs you more than anyone with a heavy heart we all will dear Lord..and not ours..pray your mum Ingrid Sue and your sons..stay strong..Rest in peace …my cuz..RichardArmstrong❤Geraldine Cooke.

  23. Hi richard,
    Your Uncle Allan here. I will always remember you as the sweet happy go lucky young boy whom I last saw in Belgaum ( India) in Nana’s house, breaking english tamrind. from the tree in front. The news of your untimely death came as a great shock to me. I know you wanted to get in touch with me and I would have loved that but unfortunately it was not meant to be.I cant Express how I feel right now but I know we will meet again in another life. Love and miss you tremendously
    Your uncle allan

  24. With heavy hearts we send our deepest and sincere condolences to Yvonne, Ingrid, Suzie, Jacob, Daniel, Samuel and to all the family on the tragic loss of Richard.

    As long-term friends of Yvonne and Robbie (R.I.P.), we have fond memories of visiting each other’s houses in England and hearing Richard play the guitar so beautifully. Although we did not see Richard in recent years, after we emigrated to Australia, those were happy times spent together – which we will cherish.

    We know how much you are hurting right now but please know that we are thinking of you all and sending our love and support across the miles.

    Rest in Peace Richard – you were taken far too early, but you are now with your Dad and we will always remember you in our prayers.

    All our love,
    Stephen, Gwen (R.I.P.), Ruth, Ann and all the Hennell family.
    Melbourne – Australia

  25. My memories of you were the conversation we had via FB. I was happy when I asked you to make a trip down under and you replied that the plans were in place and you would bring along one of your son’s. But now destiny has willed it otherwise. I had once read that…”The world is Our stage and we are just actors on it…once our roles are over they bring the curtains down”
    Rest in Peace cuz.
    Our prayers are with the family, Aunt Yvonne, Ingrid and family and Suzie.

  26. Hey cuz, where do I start? I’ve spent all this time since the day you left us, trying to understand what happened, asking the same question, “why you?” I never ever thought I’d be writing this so soon. My heart was shattered that day and I wasn’t sure how long it would take to heal, if at all.
    But since then I also had time to think about our amazing times together, especially growing up in India. Man those were the days! The countless weekends spent at each other’s home, the endless sleepovers, family picnics, schoolyard talks, hunting trips with our dads…a million great moments that meld into an unforgettable image of you.
    And through it all I treasured your endless joy for life, your caring nature, of living in the moment and above all else holding on to the most important things in life – family and friends. You’ve taught me to let go, to live and enjoy the things around me, and always treasure what’s most important – family and friends. For that I cannot thank you enough. I only wish we could have all grown old together, like we always talked about, planning to spend summers at our cottage.
    You always told me, whenever we spoke and I was going through a rough patch, that as long as we are all together everything will be okay. I suppose our time together will come again. Now it’s time for you to rest cuz, and spend time with your dad, Nana and everyone else waiting for us. I’ll see you again one day and we can spend those summers together like we planned. Until then, I luv and miss you terribly Rich. You will always have a place in my heart ❤️

  27. When I was in primary school, I used to go to his mum’s house to play with his niece Isabella. I remember seeing Richard and he would make us laugh with his jokes. My recent memories of Richard is seeing him at church with Samuel, where he kindly waited to see if I needed a lift home. He was always very caring and kind and is greatly missed and loved.

    I commend you, my dear Richard to almighty God, and entrust you to your Creator. May you rest in the arms of the Lord who formed you from the dust of the earth. May Holy Mary, the Angels and all the Saints welcome you now that you have gone forth from this life. 
    Rest In Peace.

  28. We will dearly miss Richard he always had time to stop and talk to us and was very charming. He cared for the people around him and had great love for his family.
    Richard will always stay in our hearts forever. Rest In Peace.

  29. Dear Richard, thank you for being a great soul who touched the lives of many. Your humour, compassion, kindness and smile will be missed by those you have left behind. May you rest in peace

  30. Richard, your journey to India was short and so has your life on this earth. It’s really heartbreaking to bid goodbye, but for sure, God has added another angel in Heaven.
    We pray that God gives mum and all at home the courage to bear this great grief.
    Rest in Peace cousin. Amen…

  31. We simply have no words to express our grief and sadness. He was always our little brother. We are so glad we spent time with him not so long ago, and we’ll cherish these wonderfull memories in our hearts forever. He was always such a positive and generous person and made us feel like family. We will miss you so much Richard❤

  32. A coincidence during our vacation in Raissac and the meeting of Til and Samuel.
    Maybe it was curiosity on both sides to find out more about each other.
    My English was terrible, but it didn’t deter you from learning more about us.
    At this first meeting neither of us expected that a friendship would develop from this.
    And certainly not that we will become a small part of our two families over time.

    Our dear Richard,
    You have a place in our hearts forever and leave behind a piece of emptiness and sadness at the same time.
    But we are grateful that we were able to get to know you and Samuel.
    That we walked a small piece of our common life together.
    We will continue to take you on our way in the future.
    Perhaps one day the boys can carry on with what their fathers started.
    We would like it and we are sure, you too.
    Go your way in peace, dear Richard.

    Your friends from Dresden
    Kai, Andrea and Til

  33. I was really shocked to hear about the demise of Richard, though we didn’t know each other since being adults as it was only during those good old days at Ghorpuri Railway Quarters, but we exchanged our thoughts on FB and as I could understand by his looks and posts he was a admirer of football and a lucky go buddy free and full of energy and love. Will always miss his smiles and toasting pics on FB. Yes there’s one hope in Christ that we’ll meet on the other side someday. Its just Love and found memories that shall linger on.

  34. I really wish this was just a bad dream cuz. Cause at just 52 you still had many years to enjoy. When ever uncle Bob came down to India. He would proudly show us all the pics of his kids. And when it came to Richard’s picture he would say that’s my Richard. Yes cuz today you are with dad and all our loved ones who have gone to be with Jesus. It was a pleasure meeting you in person in 2011. You had a captivating smile. Thank you for the memories you left with us. Thanks to face book we continued to stay in touch. Even though we know you are in a happier place, our hearts ache to say good bye. We love you Rich and will miss you.Till we meet again cuz. Love and miss you. Love Kim.

  35. Richard, our dear cousin who we lovingly called Cuz met us many years ago when he came to India with Aunty Yvonne. He came to Hyderabad and spent a few days with us and met almost all the other cousins. In that short time, we had caught up with all the years of not being in touch. After that, we always kept corresponding and he was very eager to bring his boys to India. His last message to me from hospital was to pray for him, with a video of him in hospital. My eyes fill with tears as I think and wish this wasn’t real. Even though I’m glad Richard feels no pain now; I’m certain he lives in a perfect place, with Jesus, his dad and other family. We miss him and will surely meet him one day again. Memories are all we have of you now Cuz.

  36. My first memories of Richard were him playing the guitar and singing very sweetly in church. He took after his father Bobby in being able to play charmingly and make playing music in church appear a “cool” thing to do. Meeting at parties, family celebrations and funerals, it was always a bit of an occasion when we got to meet, but he always took the time to renew a friendship properly and catch up on everything that had gone on in the intervening period. That he cared about others and was always more interested about everyone else rather than himself was evident. He took the time to lighten the mood at the most sombre of moments, appropriately. His pride in his boys and in his family was a quiet and relaxed one but unmistakable. He leaves behind a wonderful legacy and I hope that brings comfort to all. Hope that Bobby is looking out for you now Richard – but that you are still having fun! All my love, Melissa xxx

  37. We have so many happy memories of Richard, who was a much loved, warm, funny and generous soul. Richard’s last message to us wasn’t so much about his condition, but his concern for his Mum. His loss at such a young age is truly tragic … we will miss him sorely and our hearts go out to his wonderful family who have also embraced us.

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Funeral Arrangements

We invite you to join us to celebrate the life of Richard Armstrong

Please RSVP to confirm that you can make the date.

Additional Info:

Richard's funeral will take place at the Catholic Church of Saints Peter and Paul,
Northfields W13 9QZ

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions attendance at the Church is limited and all places have been allocated.

Please do not attend the Church Service unless approved by the family.

The Requiem Mass will be streamed live from THIS WEBSITE and the Order of Service is attached for your participation (see below).

A recording of the service will be made available on this site within 24 hours of the funeral.

Additional Info:

The Order of Service can viewed at:

Richard's preferred charity is the NHS Charities Together - In lieu of flowers or gifts please donate to this page, directly or paste into your browser.

Gift Ideas

Flowers £15

Donate £10 to Charity

Candles £5