

  1. I first met Steve almost 40 years ago when he started working at The Recorder , we remained good friends until Steve was so sadly taken from us. Steve was quite simply one of the nicest people I ever met. We all miss you Steve , god bless.

  2. We feel so fortunate to have known Steve for over 30 years. When our very special friend Sharon introduced us to him we felt they were perfectly matched. Steve had so much charisma and an infectious laugh and a cheeky smile. We enjoyed the most fabulous holiday in Portugal 2 years ago with Steve and Sharon and Linda and Tim. We had so much fun and feel very grateful we had that opportunity.
    Steve , we love you and cannot believe we won’t see you again. We are sure you will be enjoying some very fine wines and the odd glass of whiskey.
    Much Love Beverley and Derek

  3. What an incredible man Steve was. I’m so grateful for the 20 odd years Beth and I have been friends, some absolutely incredible memories we have all shared as two families. Steve was always a great laugh at the numerous celebration parties he and Sharon would attend at our house. Our last party I introduced him to espresso vodka and he couldn’t believe he had never tried it (bad influencing from me!). One lovely memory was seeing Steve return home for a short moment just to see baby George before he went out. A truly beautiful relationship, Steve would always talk about him with a big grin. Beth, Meg and Sharon, I’m sending you lots of love. Steve was a wonderful, the most kind-hearted man and he will be incredibly missed by everyone who had the pleasure of meeting him. Lots of love always and forever xxx

  4. The first time I meet Steve was at Rickmansworth I had started working at the Uxbridge office and I was taken over to Ricky to meet everyone, Steve took me round and introduced me to everyone and showed me how the paper worked and who did what I remember after he finished showing me around I turned round and asked him and what do you do he was so quick with his answer as always he said as little as possible.Steve made me laugh every day I worked with him he had an amazing zest for life he always had a story to tell he was funny, kind, generously a true gentleman and a man that was devoted to his family.
    Heaven gained an angel the day you passed Steve I will listen for the bells to ring I will then know you have gained your angel wings
    Rest in peace my friend you will be missed
    Jackie and Jim xxx

  5. I feel very privileged to have grown up flitting in and out of the Fifield House. Everyone was made to feel welcome there and an extra plate at the dinner table could be laid in an instant. Poking my head in to the front room to say hi to Steve almost seemed like a ritual, he was always interested in how you were, would loan the latest book he had finished and would greet you with that beaming smile… even if you interrupted him mid series.
    His pride and love for his family was unparalleled. I remember the first time I saw him after finding out Beth was pregnant; he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. I was lucky enough to join them on trip to Turkey many years ago, he earned the ultimate ‘cool’ status when he let Beth and I out on the town a few nights on the trot… maybe it was the party side of him coming out, or him and Sharon just wanted some peace and quiet- grateful either way.
    Finally, I will always be thankful to Steve standing up for my equal pay rights when I helped Beth with the Friday paper round …she ran a tight ship but Steve knew how to sway her into splitting the goods. Sending my love to all who knew and loved him. You will be missed Steve.

  6. What a huge character! Steve was absolute pleasure to work with at Waitrose, always happy & lifting spirits. Steve made you want to do better & achieve more, such a motivation & I will miss him so very much. We’ve had many laughs, he had a great sense of humour, loved singing in the bakery & chatting to the customers who all got to know him so well. He has left a huge gap in our store & our hearts. My thoughts are with Sharon & his daughters at this sad time. Rest easy fella ❤️

  7. RIP Fifield! It has been several years since I last saw you in Greenford and you gave me a lift to the athletics track as I was running late!! Very sad to hear you had passed but you will always be remembered as my favourite boss. TMS was my first job after uni and despite some ups and downs, thank you for your support and encouragement especially when it was time for me to move on. You will be forever missed, much loved and fondly remembered. A beautiful service to celebrate your life. Your family did you proud ❤️

  8. Worked in Acton many years ago. The best boss we ever had. He was great fun.

    Gone too soon. Rest In Peace Steve. You will be sorely missed

  9. So many memories of this absolute legend, far too many to mention but all of them drenched in hilarity.
    When I left Trinity Mirror in 2008 we lost touch, but he popped up on Facebook and we reconnected and got straight back into the banter. We eventually arranged to meet for lunch some while later and it was just wonderful to see him again, the time flew by (as always) with soo much laughter and bonkers nonsense. We said we’d do it again soon, but never did get round to it what with one thing and another. How quickly life whizzes by, I soo wish we had got to meet again.
    People like Steve are few and far between, he was just soo special, soo unique, soo funny, soo kind, I cannot begin to imagine the hole he has left for his family. My thoughts, love and strength go to you all x
    I feel soo blessed to have known him, he was one of those people you want to be in the company of, just wonderful. If his sad and shocking passing teaches us anything, its to live life to the full, be kind, be good and make a difference.
    God bless you Steve you did it right matey, until we meet again, sleep tight my friend. xx

  10. Although I did not see a lot of you, whenever we met up you and John always made me laugh, you always had a
    smile on your face and I know the pair of you, along with Susan, were very close brothers and sister. My love goes to Sharon, Megan, Beth and Ria and, of course, to John and Susan.

    All my love. Linda

  11. I met Steve in 2003 when I started working at TMS. A lovely man with a huge character and a cracking sense of humour who so clearly adored his family. My thoughts are with you all at this difficult time

  12. Isn’t it brilliant when family become friends? As Sharon’s cousin our lives weaved in and out over the years but in the recent decade or so shared Sunday lunches were always something we prioritised. Whether in Hanwell or Twickenham they always went on far too long because none of us wanted the fun to stop!! We always promised a rematch sooner than the last and now like everyone I just wish we’d had more time. Better company you couldn’t hope for than when Steve Fifield was at your table and his enthusiastic love for life, kindness and humour makes me want to learn from him and live a fuller life. You are so deeply loved and sorely missed and I still can’t eat roast beetroot without thinking of you! Thank you for being in our lives Steve. We’ll never forget you.

  13. Even though Steve and Family lived so close, until they opened their house up to me I had no interaction with them. Having spent several years with them, I realised what a lovely man he was. I never saw him down, easy to chat and have a laugh with. He loved to cook and he did try to encourage me to get inspired – but to no avail. I feel fortunate to have met a fantastic man – and it is still hard to believe that with his zest for life is no more. He will have left not only a gaping hole for his family but also for thise that were touched by him.

  14. My first meeting with Steve was a nervous interview in November 1997 but with his charisma soon put me at ease gave me the job and 18 years later he remained my boss. Not only that but a great advisor in difficult times and fantastic company in good times. A vibrant soul full of life will be missed terribly. Rest In Peace Steve.

  15. Steve what a gentleman, the man you could spend all day with and I did when waiting for the Ealing property paper, never a cross word just a laugh and a joke, God Bless my mate Fluff,

  16. We all have our own memories of ‘Stevey F’ and have made a contribution to the British Heart Foundation on his behalf. We know how missed he will be by so many and are thinking of you all, especially today. Sending all our love, now and always xxx
    Anna, Ash, Hayley, Laurel, Lilly, Meg, Rebecca, Roisin x

  17. Tony and I met Steve, many moons ago, when he first started dating our dear friend Sharon.

    Over the years that followed, we shared many great get-togethers, sometimes months apart, sometimes years apart, but always with a good bottle of wine (or two), beer, good food and an endless round of fun and laughter. Both Sharon and Steve have that very special quality whereby, whatever the length of time between visits, you could always pick up from where you last left off, so it was as though no time at all had passed between visits.

    Always the perfect host, Steve had an infectious smile and a mischievous twinkle in his eye that confirmed his great sense of humour. He was warm, friendly, full of fun and to top it all a loving family man.

    We will miss him dearly and feel privileged to have been able to call him our friend. All our love goes out to Sharon, and the girls.

    God rest in peace Steve.

    Love from Jan, Tony and the family

  18. What a wonderful man. A kinder, more considerate person you’d never meet. Did I mention funny? If I used every superlative in the dictionary to describe Steve, it would still not be enough. (Of course, they’d also have to be typeset perfectly). I have nothing but great memories of Steve: at work, a few drinks, the odd curry and definitely a laugh. He always brought a smile to your face – it didn’t matter how rough things were we’d always find something to smile about. “Full of life” is an over-used cliché but it’s perfect for Steve. He brought out the best in people and lit up the room whatever you were doing. He was turned up to 10 every day. I’m going to miss him dearly. My deepest sympathies go to Sharon and the whole family.

  19. I started working with you back in the 1980’s when it was Imedia Print & Design. The good old days when there were more directors than actual staff. You were not only my boss but a good friend and always had my back. Working with you was a pleasure and you will be sadly missed. RIP Steve ❤️

  20. Simon and I got to know Sharon and Steve when our daughter Rebecca became friends with Beth at Cardinal Wiseman RC High School. Sharon and Steve were such a fun lovely couple to spend time with. In fact I do remember seeing Sharon and Steve at a dance show at the Waterman’s when they showed us all what brilliant dancers they were. Lucky Sharon to have a husband willing to take dance lessons with her. We had plenty of days and nights out and dinners at each others houses. Steve was always a fabulous host or guest and would keep us all entertained. I think our last night out was to see ‘the pub landlord’ at the Viaduct. We all just knew that Steve was going to be a ‘victim’ of the pub landlord, he was and he took it very well (no choice obviously). He will be missed so much but his memory will last. Rest in Peace Steve

  21. Steve, or Flo as you came to be known! I have such happy memories of being a work colleague at first and then a friend. You were never without a smile and a laugh – everybody loved you, even when we were in our tough meetings on my second day. Burgers and pints with mozzarella cheese, because we could! I think the Coach loved us though so they did it for us. I loved being around you, you had the most amazing zest for life and I felt like I’d met a soul mate in that respect. The happiest of people, loved your family and your friends. The world will be a much sadder place without you, we will be sadder without you. Big hugs to Sharon and the family. Flo, may you rest in peace and I know there is a brighter, shinier star in the sky xx

  22. I first met Steve years ago as a result of being friends with his sister Sue. We didn’t meet very often but when we did he was always such great company. He was a kind, funny, lovely man and will be sorely missed. Sending my deepest sympathy to Sharon and the girls, Sue, John and all the family. Xxx

  23. My best friend Steve ❤️ I first met Steve in about 1997 at a work place and the first thing that struck me was regardless of how busy he was he always made a point of coming over to me and saying hi mate with that cheeky grin of his such a gentleman nothing was to much trouble . And with his banter was second to none I was fortunate enough to have spent the last six years on our golfing holidays witch were always good clean fun .he was not just somebody I new he was my best friend and he will stay in my heart forever Bri xxx

  24. We first met in 1987 when I came to you for a job interview, you gave me the job, unfortunately I had serious accident and coudn’t take up the position. You told me to get back in touch when I was fit for work, it was almost a year later that I got in touch and you employed me straight away. I have never, and will never forget that. We quickly became friends and enjoyed many a pint, curry and laugh together. You were always the best company. I can’t begin to explain how much you will be missed. Rest in peace my Friend.

  25. I was so pleased when my dear friend met and married such a lovely man as Steve. We recently enjoyed a fantastic holiday in Portugal. We are so pleased to have shared that time and memories which will be cherished ever more. The boys loved playing golf together, especially Steve. He lived his music, cooking, and of course emptying the rubbish and recycling every day. Whenever we met up together we laughed and had such fun. My heart goes out to Sharon and the girls.

  26. Steve,a cousin and all round good guy .You provided the laughs whenever we met up and you and Sharon along with John and Paula as the Adams Family were a great addition to my 60th weekend . Rest in peace ,you will be missed xxx

  27. Having grown up with Beth I have so many fond memories in the Fifield house & I’ll always be grateful for how welcome Steve & Sharon have both always made me feel. From after school dinners to driving 5mph in a broken down car so we could get to Brighton beach, Steve was always such great fun to be around.

    In more recent years I’ve enjoyed popping into Waitrose at work where Steve would be chatting away to everyone & offering the inside scope of when the reduced food was coming out. He was such a visibly proud dad & grandad, insisting that he knew Beth was having a boy based on the Magpies that would hang around on the grass outside Sky Central, and showing off the latest photos/stories of baby George.

    Steve will be hugely missed & I send my love to the whole family X

  28. I met up with Steve back in 1984 when he employed me as a camera operator at the Recorder group, I remained friends with Steve from then on wether it was at golf at each other’s houses or at the bar. I value all those years and will greatly miss Steve.
    HE WAS MY FRIEND God Bless.

  29. I first met Steve in my teenage years. A chance meeting at a mutual friends’ house he was carrying in some amateur radio equipment and we all agreed it would be amusing to rig something up and fake street interviews with passersby by telling them they would appear on the tv that night. Not enough for Steve he would start knocking on doors to get people to the doorstep. I found his cheekiness infectious and enjoyed times experiencing new situations. Saturday jobs,leaving school first work place positions as boys and saving to buy our first banger. Passing our driving tests , first pair of Levi’s , my first pint Steve was there for all of this. First holiday away from parents to St.Agnes in Steve’s Austin A55 a tent thrown in the back with no idea where we would stay. These were my “Wonder years” and I am so proud to have shared them with Steve.
    Steve was older than me and always a stable influence. When Dawn and I were to marry it was Steve that convinced me to buy my own home. As we reached our mid twenties our families and our work spread our lives but always just a phone call away and catching up like no time had gone. Everyone loved Steve, my mum and dad, my Nan and grandad my children, for me he was a constant and a thread through my life that extends through my own family
    Love you mate
    Sending all our love to Sharon and the girls

  30. Steve made working at TMS a pleasure and despite the team playing regular practical jokes on him they never lost respect for him – so many funny memories bring a smile to my face yet he was the best boss and taught me a lot. Our relationship grew into true friendship outside of work and it was a sad occasion the day he left TMS. The team have continued to stay in touch as all our work paths have gone in different ways and I am sure that as soon as we can we will meet and share anecdotes and memories and raise a glass to Steve – an incredible person who enriched our lives, work colleague, boss and friend.

  31. We first met Steve at a hospitality event at Goodwood Races organised by his close friends Brian and Myra and we subsequently met up at numerous lunches or dinner dates over several years. Steve had a quick and easy wit and we will remember him for his kindness and an ever present twinkle in his eye. He was excellent company and a delight to spend time with.

    Our thoughts are with Sharon and the girls.

  32. A relationship that started 43 years ago as a friendly customer soon grew into one of deep friendship. Steve was a gentleman, loving, funny, caring and a loyal friend to us both. We never lived in each other’s pockets but when we met up with Sharon and Steve we just carried on where we left off. Every time we got together with Steve his jovial manner never faltered. A dear dear friend who we will miss so much.

  33. Apart from the many occasions Roisin and I spent with Sharon and Steve, enjoying a meal at home or in Annie’s, my abiding memory is of the number of times I met Steve in supermarkets.
    Waitrose and Tesco were our accidental rendezvous and of course the great delight was always Steve’s huge smile and sense of fun at yet again having bumped in to each other in the frozen goods aisle. It was always a good time to catch up and share news and children’s progress. Steve was such easy company and a more genuine person Roisin and I have yet to meet. We are fortunate to have these fond memories of the kind, generous and amiable Steve. Keep on smiling!

  34. Janet & I only met up with Steve & Sharon, (along with Brian & Myra Grant) once a year when they were in Colorado to ski. We always looked forward to a fun time when they visited Denver and we all went out for Dinner together, (usually in March each year.)
    Funny, smart and humble….not forgetting a good friend to us also…that’s how we remember Steve.
    He will be sadly missed. We send our very best wishes/ thoughts to Sharon & the family.
    Thinking of you all at this very sad time. Rod & Janet, Seminole, Florida, U.S.A.

  35. We met Steve,Sharron and their girls on holiday in Turkey,we didn’t know at the time what a good day it was for my family. Down the past 15 years we have had the pleasure to be welcomed as their friends. He was a truly kind,generous,funny,loyal man and I wish that I had known him longer. I can tell you he was a brilliant cook whose starters and mains were better than the desserts. Love from Ian,Row,Alex and Becky

  36. I could be having the worst day at work and sometimes Steve would walk in with his contagious smile And make it all better what an amazing guy you will be missed. Keep smiling my friend.

  37. Not only was you my boss, but also someone I would class as a friend. I had very fond happy memories of you.. whilst working with you, my nickname was ‘Trouble’ the stuff us ladies did to you in the office..putting salt in your tea, hiding under your desk to scare you, so many more memories.. you telling me if I ever come in saying I’m pregnant your resigning… thanks for all the support snd advise you have to me throughout the years. I will cherish the memories always. You are truly missed, but you will never ever be forgotten.

  38. A lovely man full of joie de vivre. We took Meggie to Spain with Louise once and our suitability was verified over very jolly cold drinks in a pub garden. In October! Our deepest sympathies on your loss.

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Funeral Arrangements

We invite you to join us to celebrate the life of Steve William Fifield

Additional Info:

Steve's funeral Mass will take place at the Church of St Peter and St Paul in Northfields  W13  9QZ on 10th March at 1030AM.

The service will be streamed live from this website, if not already in place, an invitation with an embedded link will appear above at least 24 hours before the funeral day.

The order of service can be downloaded here:

The Mass will be followed by a service at Mortlake Crematorium at noon which can be viewed on a separate link - click here:
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