

  1. Uncle Terry, a wonderful and kind man. Great memories. Our thoughts and love are with you all today and during this difficult time. Love from all the O’Higgins down under.

  2. We have lovely memories of meeting gentle Terry at family gatherings in Dublin. Thinking of you all at this sad time. With love from all of the O’Higgins’

  3. We remember Terry as a kind dedicated family man and have many great memories of times shared with his family and ours.We had enormous fun together and we will never forget those times.
    He lives on in our memories and prayers and our sympathies go to Nuala and her family

  4. We remember Terry as happy and generous and affable man.
    He’ll be greatly missed

  5. As Terry’s brother, I am so sorry that I am unable to attend the funeral but, believe you me, I am with you in spirit.  However, I would like a few memories of mine to be read out on this sad occasion.  Unfortunately, once he moved to England, I didn’t see as much of Terry as I would have liked but I have so many happy memories when we were together in Cavan and Clara as children and adults.  In the former, we got into many scrapes and trouble as boys do .  Being older, I was bigger and I liked to throw my weight around – might is right and all that! –  but Terry was having none of it!  In adulthood, we had many holidays together, sometimes with Frank and Maisie, sometimes just Terry and I.  I can distinctly remember the day he brought Nuala to Clara to meet the parents for the first time.  That would be 61 years ago if memory serves me.  Terry was able to remember a  lot of this including our time as boarders at Castleknock College when we had our last telephone conversation in November .  I will miss him and my sympathies, as well as those of Marie, go out to Nuala and the family.
              GFK to TJK – good bye and RIP.
     Toireasa, go mbeadh trócaire ag Dia ar a anam

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Funeral Arrangements

We invite you to join us to celebrate the life of Terry Kennedy


Date: 24/01/2022
Time: 12:45
All Saints Roman Catholic Church
Location: Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 OUQ GB

Additional Info:

In line with current  CV19 guidelines, mourners are requested to wear face masks and observe safe distancing policies. The church is regularly sanitized. Terry's funeral will be recorded in HD at the church at 12.45 on Monday 24th January. This recording can be accessed by clicking the invitation that will appear on this memorial site at least 48 hours ahead of the appointed time. Please allow a few hours to allow the footage to be uploaded. If for any reason it is missed or interrupted, have no fear the funeral will be accessible for at least 1 month.


Date: 24/01/2022
Time: 16:00
Barn Hotel Ruislip
Location: West End Road, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 6JB GB

Additional Info:

In lieu of flowers, the family kindly request that friends and family make a donation to the British Heart Foundation which can be accessed directly via the 'Just Giving' icon below OR Dementia UK which can be accessed via the link here. Donate to dementia support and care - Dementia UK

Gift Ideas

Donate £10 to Charity