

  1. As a young lad growing up, Uncle Arthur always had my back. I was a very active little boy with plenty of energy, I couldn’t sit still for a second. Naturally, I always got into trouble for one thing or the other. No matter what it was I did wrong, he always appealed on my behalf to get me off the hook. I didn’t have many people in my corner but Uncle Arthur was always there. Continue to rest in perfect peace Uncle.

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Funeral Arrangements

We invite you to join us to celebrate the life of Arthur McAlistine Richards


Date: 11/04/2022
Time: 11:00
St Mary's Church
Location: 91 Church Road, Hanwell London W7 3BJ GB

Additional Info:

Arthur's funeral will be recorded live from the church at 11.00 on Monday 11th April 2022. The recording can be accessed by clicking the invitation that will appear on this memorial site at least 48 hours ahead of the appointed time.

Please allow a number of hours for the recording to be edited and uploaded to the memorial site.

If for any reason the funeral video is missed or interrupted, have no fear the funeral can be accessed from the same invitation  and will be available for at least 1 month.

In line with current CV19 guidelines mourners are requested to wear face masks and observe safe distancing policies. The church is regularly sanitized.

Additional Info:

In lieu of flowers the family kindly request that friends and family donate to MacMillan Cancer Support which can be accessed directly via the 'Just Giving' icon below

Gift Ideas

Flowers £15

Donate £10 to Charity

Candles £5