John was the third of eight children, five boys and three girls, born to Clarence and Florence Isaacs. The family affectionately called him Maxie, and though small in stature, he made up for it with his fighting spirit and fiercely competitive streak. He was often the instigator of daring escapades involving his brothers and friends, but always smart enough never to get caught. He excelled at his school, St. Joseph’s College, Colombo, and ended up at the prestigious University of Peradeniya, from where he graduated, majoring in Sociology.
He made a momentous, life-changing decision in 1968, to leave his beloved Sri Lanka, and emigrate to cold London, primarily to advance his professional prospects. Within three years he qualified as a Management Accountant, and took a job as an accountant in a city bank, and liked it so much, he stayed until retirement a few years ago.
Maxie chose an easy-going lifestyle, travelling widely, spending time with his four brothers in Mississauga, Canada, his three sisters in London, and taking every opportunity to indulge in his love for sport; watching cricket at Lords and the Oval, and the tennis at Wimbledon. He was an avid photographer, chronicling many family events, and always ensuring the flash had gone. The kindness and generosity he showered on his siblings, his nephews and nieces, and large number of friends was legendary.
A quiet, retiring man, Maxie was a staunch and steadfast Catholic, who took great comfort in attending mass daily, and living according to his Christian principles.
We invite you to join us to celebrate the life of John Maxwell Isaacs
Date: 28/03/2023Additional Info:
Mourners are requested to observe safe distancing policies. The church is regularly sanitized. John's funeral will be streamed live from the church at 11.o0 on Tuesday 28th March. The stream can be accessed by clicking the invitation that will appear on this memorial site at least 48 hours ahead of the appointed time. If for any reason the stream is missed or interrupted, have no fear the funeral will be recorded simultaneously and can be accessed from the same invitation which will be available for at least 1 month.Wake
Date: 28/03/2023Additional Info:
The Requiem Mass at St Georges will be followed by a short service at Breakspear Crematorium, Breakspear Road, Ruislip. HA4 7SJ at 13.00. In lieu of flowers the family kindly request that friends and family donate to MacMillan Cancer Support which can be accessed directly via the 'Just Giving' icon below.
Maxie began his school career at
St Joseph’s College,Colombo in the
Year 1941. He was an excellent student
after studying in the Kindergarten Classes
continued to excel from Grades 1 to 5.
Maxie was Awarded the Junior Elocoution Medal for English and was
was also Awarded A Silver Medal for
Vocal Music (Soprano) conducted by
Fr.Ignatius Perera of St Cecilia’s Choir
at St Joseph’s College. Maxie had a
beautiful voice singing Whispering Hope
in the Final and Fr.Ignatius Perera had
no hesitation picking Maxie as the Winner. In
that Year 1953 at the Annual Prize Giving
under the distinguished patronage of the
Chief Justice H.N.G.Fernando Maxie did
a solo singing ‘ The Ash Grove’.
It was in1954 that Maxie came out
with flying colours gaining Admission
to the University of Peradeniya where
he Graduated with the Bachelor of Arts
Degree in Sociology in 1959. He secured
Employment at the Ceylon Transport Board and served under the Chairmanship
of Mr. Vere De Mel. After a short stint with
the Transport Board Maxie was persuaded by two of his very close
friends Fr Egerton Perera and Fr Derrick
Mendis both Chartered Accountants
to have a fling in Accountancy. He followed their advice and with Three
Parts of the Cost and Management
Exams Maxie proceeded to the United
Kingdom in 1968 and completed the balance Two Parts Qualifying as a
fully fledged Cost And Management
Accountant. He was successful in
securing Employment at The First National Corporation until he Retired.
During his Retirement he did travel quite
extensively particularly visiting the land
of his Birth ‘ SRI LANKA’ .
Sadly Maxie continued to enjoy his
life with his entire Friends and Relatives
and with Age taking its toll Maxie fell ill
with the current Pandemic and was
having treatment at the Northwick
Park Hospital in Harrow, London.
Our Dear Maxie Passed away at the
Hospital on the 14th of March 2023
at the Age of 86 Glorius Years.
We will always remember you
Dear Maxie and Thank You for
for all the good times and Memories.
Employment as a Management
Accountant in The First National
Finance Corporation until he
Like Autumn Leaves The Years
Went By But Memories Of You
Dear Maxie Will Never Die.
You Will Always Linger In Our
Reynold-Nirosha And Julian.
I first got to know Maxie in the early 1960’s in Ceylon, as the country was then known. We met at evening classes at Alexandra College, near the Eye Hospital Junction, to prepare for the UK “Cost and Works ” examinations. When classes were over, we both travelled on the #114 bus to Pita Kotte as Maxie lived at Kandewatte and I lived near the Raja Maha Vihara and this was where our friendship was forged as we talked a lot on the bus.
There were strict Exchange Controls at the time and one had to pass at least 2 parts of the 5-part Cost and Works exam in order to qualify for a permit to go to the UK. By September of 1968, we had made arrangements with the Hendon College of Technology in North London to join the course. Maxie and I decided that we were to fly but by the most circuitous route and so we were able to spend a day and night in Bombay and a day-night stay in Karachi where we did day tours of these two cities. On arrival at Heathrow on September 16, 1968, I was met by my sister Shanthi and Maxie by his sister Florence who both were in the UK working as Nurses. A few days later when we enrolled in the College we were given addresses of people in the neighborhood who were taking in lodgers and so Maxie and I went to stay with this young Indian couple (but from Kenya) who had fled the regimes of dictators like Idi Amin of Uganda. Classes were a walking distance away and we were allowed to use the family kitchen during the day when the family was out and so we could cook our own food. I did not know how to cook but the Boy Scout in Maxie looked after that!! After 3 months Maxie decided to go to Central London to join his friend Bala seen in this photo and I followed suit and took a bedsitter on the same street that Maxie lived. Maxie bought a house in Sudbury and lived there till he passed but I moved out to the Surrey countryside and purchased a new bungalow in Knaphill in1975 in idyllic surroundings, got married to Pathma who came to live there from Canada. We travelled a lot in the UK as I had by then bought a car and saw a lot of the country. Maxie would bring his ukelele along and sing to entertain us.
During that time we never missed watching Cricket and Tennis by actually attending at these venues. Once we travelled to Manchester to watch Sri Lanka play England in the first World Cup of 1975. The match was over before lunch with the SL team suffering a bad loss but we were given an exhibition game in which we did extremely well.
I was privileged to have known Maxie and getting to know his entire family. The Isaacs family are unique in that they are so close, united and look after each other.
Thank you Maxie for your friendship over the past 62 years.
“He can only be physically gone but never the life lived and the memories shared.
Rest in peace dear Maxie
Rosie Stanley and family
“There is no grief like the grief that does not speak!
May your Soul Rest In Peace
Uncle Maxie was the inseparable brother of late aunty Hyacinth who was like our god mother. The Isaac family goes a long way with the Perera’s. My late dad Oliver and my late mom Kalyani were close to Isaacs when they were in Sri Lanka. Uncle Maxie was a very soft spoken and a kindhearted person. I remember how he loved to talk about sports especially cricket. He never misses to watch or follow up his favourite game anywhere in the world. I was quite impressed with his knowledge about the sport which Ronnie inherited. I am sure uncle Maxie must be happy to join his siblings again in heaven and also to meet my dear parents. I am sure they must be catching up all those years. May his soul Rest In Peace. As a Buddhist let me pray that he also attains the supreme bliss of Nirvana. With love, Chanaka (Sydney), Kushan (LA) & Jinky (Colombo) on behalf of late Oliver & Kalyani Perera.
You will be missed! You’re a kind and gentle soul who always had a smile and called me Mona Lisa! I will always remember you. May you rest in peace! Tootsie
We are sad to hear the demise of our dear cousin Maxi. Our Deepest Sympathies to the Isaacs families. May his Soul rest in peace in the arms of Jesus. Doreen, Ignatius and Family.
For all the good things you have done God bless your soul & RIP
Thank you Uncle Maxie for the years of wonderful memories of your generosity, gentleness and quiet presence. You will be missed.
Uncle Maxie, you will be missed. A brave soul with a heart of Gold. We will carry your memories with us fondly and hold them dearly.
Until We Meet Again. With much love,
Shyam, Fiona and Little Luke
Our deepest Condolence to the whole Isaacs family. May Maxwell Soul Rest In Peace,
love and God Bless
Dorothy de Zylwa and Family
It is with great sadness in our hearts that we bid farewell to our dear cousin Max
I remember the beautiful times we spent in our younger days as we lived as one big family. Beautiful memories, and also the generous heart you had with doling out gifts at Christmas.
We will miss seeing you on your yearly visits to Sri Lanka.
God’s plan is not our plan at least you are not in pain now.
May your beautiful soul soul rest in eternal peace Max. Untill we meet again on that beautiful shore. We love you Max
David, Dolly (Kalu) as you always call me, and family.
How well I do remember all the special times we had as we were raised together sharing good times.
You mean the world to all of us. Only a heart as dear as yours would give so unselfishly.
Together with Bernard and our children, we want to gracefully say we appreciate you for everything you have done for all of us.
My dear cousin, you are shinning bright in heaven today.
We will always love you dear Max.
May your soul rest in peace.
Therese, Bernard and Family.
You will be missed forever and always Unca. Thanks for the beautiful moments you shared with all of us, and I will speak of the great person that you were. Rest in peace Unca up in heaven!
You will be missed forever and always Unca. Thanks for the beautiful moments you shared with all of us, and I will speak of the great person that you were. Rest in peace Unca up in heaven!
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It is with a heavy heart and much sadness that we say farewell to our dearest cousin Maxie. Although Maxie lived so many miles away from us, we were so fortunate to see him quite often when he visited his beloved Sri Lanka almost every year except during the COVID pandemic. We are happy we were able to spend sometime with him during his last visit to Sri Lanka in January last year. One topic during our chats was about the political situation in our country. We are sad to have lost Maxie and are now left with only fond memories which we will cherish forever. Maxie was such a humble, generous and caring person who was a great support to his loving family and to many others as well. Maxie never complained about anything and was always positive. God blessed him with a wonderful, happy and long life for which we are all thankful to God Almighty. He is now in God’s eternal glory and may his beautiful soul rest in peace forever. Goodbye Maxie until we meet again.
Marian, Dharmin and the children
Uncle Maxie was a source of great support when we first came to this country and we will be eternally indebted to him for his love and kindness. He was a beloved friend to our grandfather Zerney and will be greatly missed by all of us. – The Wijesuriya Family
Uncle Maxie was a source of great support when we first came to this country and we will be eternally indebted to him for his love and kindness. He was a beloved friend to our grandfather Zerney and will be greatly missed by all of us.
I was very sad to hear about Unca’s passing as Dad and I had just been to see him in hospital but I am thankful that God, in his mercy, has stopped his suffering.
He is now with the gang, having more fun and feeling better than he did here, that’s for sure.
I will always be grateful for the opportunity I had to see him and kiss his cheek and gently touch his head. He always had a fantastic full head of hair, even in the hospital.
I am also grateful that he came to Canada last April so I could show off my first Grandson Jordan to him and it gave all of us in Canada a chance to visit with him. Similarly, also wonderful that last January he was able to go to Sri Lanka with my Dad.
I have very fond memories of my Unca, as I called him. He was also my Godfather and a very special man in my life.
His nickname for me was “Oh Pretty”. As a little girl, I remember it made me beam to hear him say it.
As we share in this time of grief, we also share in the love and wonderful memories we all have of Unca.
May your soul Rest In Peace Unca. With love, Oh Pretty
“Where two or three are gathered together in my name," says the Lord, "I am there.”
We are gathered here today to honour, regard, respect and celebrate the life of our dear brother John
Maxwell Isaacs, a jewel in the family crown. Maxie, as he was affectionately known, was a cherished member
of his family and a beloved friend to all who knew him. Maxie was a kind and humble man, small in stature,
but a giant in other respects, full of grace, wisdom and knowledge, that God blessed him with.
Maxie’s family lost their dear parents early in their lives. Having lost his mother at the age of 12, Maxie was
just 17 when his father also passed. But with God’s blessings, the eight siblings stayed together which resulted
in a close and secure bond between Maxie and his brothers and sisters.
Maxie was blessed with four brothers, Claude, Anton, Francis, Vincent, and three sisters, Hyacinth, Florence
and Rita. The youngest of them all, Rita, stayed very close and was extremely dedicated, right up to the end of
Maxie’s life.
Maxie took on his role within the family with great responsibility. At St. Joseph’s, Maxie reached a high level
of education. He did well in school and distinguished himself creditably at the University of Peradeniya in Sri
Lanka, graduating from Sociology with flying colours.
To advance his professional goals, he made the decision to emigrate to England in 1968, where he was
successful in advancing his ambitions and achievements in the financial field by qualifying as a management
Maxie was a man of superior work ethics and integrity. Even though he was far from home, he kept in touch
with one and all back in Sri Lanka. This is apparent in the large number of relatives and a huge list of friends
who all knew Maxie well. He stayed close with everyone, visited often and loved them all.
Maxie never married or had children of his own, but if you saw his home, you would see that all his nephews,
nieces and their children are well represented. Many photographs of his family adorn his living room.
Maxie had a love for photography. The collection of memories he has captured over the years is priceless.
Maxie also had a great love for travel, making his way to many countries over his long life on this earth, but his
motherland, Sri Lanka, was always close to his heart and he longed to be there as much as he could. His
pilgrimages to Lourdes in France, always accompanied by close friends, brought him much peace, joy and
spiritual blessings.
Maxie was a man of many virtues and lived a life dedicated to God and the practice of his religion. When he
settled down in Sudbury, he found comfort and fellowship at St. George’s Parish. Once he retired, he would
attend mass and communion there every day. This added to his many blessings and spiritual enrichment and
continued until he was taken to hospital.
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, what wonderful things God has in store for us.
As we say farewell to our dear brother Maxie, let us remember the words of our Lord, who said, "Let us love
one another just as Jesus loved us." May the divine assistance remain always with us, and may eternal rest
grant unto Maxie, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace forever. Amen.
In the abundance of God’s mercy, love and compassion, may we always remember Maxie with gratitude and
thanksgiving for the light he brought into our lives.